University Statements

Below are official CSUDH-issued statements relating to COVID-19, from most to least recent.

View the archive of past COVID-19 newsletter updates here.

May 31, 2023: COVID-19 Policy Update – CSUDH no longer requires COVID-19 Vaccinations

Dear Campus Community,

Recently, the California State University system revised the COVID-19 policy and no longer requires students and employees to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

Effective immediately, CSUDH will no longer require that students and employees be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. However, being fully vaccinated is highly recommended as a safety measure for individuals at risk of serious illness from the disease.

If you have further questions about COVID-19 and CSUDH's health and safety protocols, please use the contacts below.

General Questions:
Vaccine or Self-Certification Questions:
Toros Together Website Questions:


Deborah Wallace
Vice President, Administration & Finance/Chief Financial Officer

February 17, 2023: Masks No Longer Required in Classrooms and Labs

Greetings Toros,

We remain vigilant and committed to our twin north stars of maintaining the campus community's health and safety while ensuring our students' success as we continue to evaluate the impact of COVID-19. We also continue to rely on data and safety guidelines from Los Angeles County Public Health (LACPH) to align best practices to keep our community safe.

Over the past month, LACPH has reported that daily positivity rates, deaths, and hospitalizations have been trending downward. Based on this information, and in keeping with best practices from LACPH, the campus will relax its face coverings requirement in all classrooms and labs, effective March 1, 2023. The Student Health Center will continue to require face coverings.

While face coverings will no longer be required in classrooms and labs, you are encouraged to use them to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Free surgical masks are available throughout campus in mask dispensers, mainly located by first or second floor elevators or in entryways where elevators are not present.


Deborah Wallace
Vice President, Administration & Finance/Chief Financial Officer

September 6, 2022: COVID Safety Protocols - Face Coverings Reminder

Greetings Toros,

I hope that you all had a great first week and a fun and safe Labor Day weekend. It is hard to believe how far we have come, and I am thrilled to see so many students around campus. With that, it is important that we take the necessary measures to stay healthy throughout the academic year. To help reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 and other illnesses, please note face coverings are required in classrooms, laboratories, and the Student Health Center.

If you forget to bring a mask to campus, surgical face masks are available through campus mask dispensers, either near elevators or entryways in buildings that do not have elevators.

KN95 and N95 masks are available and can be picked up from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday-Friday in the following locations:

  • Physical Plant
  • Residence Hall Commons
  • Student Health Center
  • Toro Welcome Center

Students who refuse to put on a face covering or to properly wear one during classes may be asked to leave by the faculty member. Students who refuse to comply with this requirement will be referred to the Office of Community Standards and will be subject to the Student Conduct process.

Face Covering Requirements:

  • Face masks must cover both the nose and mouth.
  • The covering must fit snugly against the sides of the face so there are no gaps.
  • You shouldn't have any difficulty breathing while wearing the cloth face covering.
  • The cloth face covering can be tied or otherwise secured to prevent slipping.
  • The university expects the Toro community to behave responsibly with respect for others.

COVID-19 Reporting:

If you test positive for COVID, confidentially report COVID-19 positive results by calling the COVID-19 Reporting Hotline at (310) 243-2076 or by filling out an online reporting form. More information about reporting can be found here: COVID-19 Reporting (

Thank you for your dedication despite the challenges. You can get the most up to date information at the Toros Together webpage:

Matthew Smith, Ph.D.
Sr. Associate Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students
California State University, Dominguez Hills

August 11, 2022: Fall '22 Health and Safety Protocols

Campus Community,

As we prepare for the start of a new academic year, health and safety remains a top priority for our campus community. Please be aware that CSUDH is guided by the Los Angeles County Health Department’s Institutions of Higher Education protocols. As such, CSUDH will exercise the following for Fall 2022:

  • Required in classroom and laboratory instructional spaces.
  • Required in the Student Health Center.
  • Required for at least 10 days for individuals who have been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19.
  • Required for at least 10 days for individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19.
  • In all other spaces, face coverings may be worn voluntarily.
  • Individual departments and units are not authorized to require different or additional practices exceeding published campus protocols.


  • CSUDH will only provide antigen testing to students and employees who are symptomatic or have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.
  • Testing kits are available Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. in room A-120 at the Student Health Center. Please access the Student Health Center from the rear of the building, in the parking lot adjacent to the University Theatre.
  • If you test positive for COVID-19, you must report your status by calling the COVID-19 reporting hotline at 310-243-2076 or by using the online reporting form.

For the most current information related to health and safety protocols, please visit the Toros Together website. Thank you for helping to keep our campus community safe.


Deborah Wallace
Vice President, Administration & Finance/Chief Financial Officer

July 20, 2022: CSUDH COVID-19 Reponse

Campus Community,

The CSUDH COVID Response Team remains vigilant in maintaining health and safety and supporting the mission of student success. COVID is not going away, and we are closely monitoring positive case counts and providing resources for contact tracing. CSUDH continues following the lead of our local county public health departments for guidance on safety, including face coverings and testing.

Indoor Face Coverings on Campus

Los Angeles County Department of Public Health monitoring of COVID case counts, hospitalizations, and deaths may lead to an announcement to reinstate face coverings indoors. This announcement could come as soon as July 29, 2022. We will update the CSUDH community as details are made available.

Update on the Testing Program

In accordance with county public health guidance, we will phase out weekly surveillance COVID testing, effective August 1, 2022. Students and employees with COVID symptoms or who have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID can pick up a testing kit at the Student Health Center in room A-120, which can be accessed in the rear of the building from the parking lot adjacent to the Theater. Testing kits will be available 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday – Friday.

Mandatory weekly testing for student athletes and Housing residents will also be phased out effective August 1, 2022.

Employees with medical and religious exemptions who were required to test weekly, are no longer required to test under Cal/OSHA regulations. CSUDH still recommends that those who are unvaccinated continue to take advantage of free off-campus testing. Any student or employee interested in taking an antigen or PCR test can also utilize any of the free options listed on the Toros Together testing page.

Students and employees who test positive for COVID must report their status by calling the COVID-19 reporting hotline at 310-243-2076 or by using the online reporting form.
As a reminder, the impact of the COVID virus continues to be fluid. The latest guidance and updates will continue to be posted on Toros Together. Please contact the Student Health Center Testing Unit at 310- 243-3627 if you have questions regarding a testing kit.


Deborah Wallace
Vice President, Administration & Finance/Chief Financial Officer

April 7, 2022: Indoor Face Coverings and Event Safety Protocols

Campus Community,

Effective Friday, April 8, in alignment with public health official recommendations and Cal/OSHA requirements, CSUDH will modify indoor face coverings and event safety protocols as follows:

Indoor Face Coverings

Face coverings will now only be required for:

  • All persons in classrooms, laboratories, and the Student Health Center.
  • At least 10 days if you have been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19, even if you are fully vaccinated.
  • At least 10 days if you have tested positive for COVID-19.

While face coverings will no longer be required in most indoor settings, to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, you are encouraged to use them, especially when in large groups. If you are more comfortable wearing a face covering, please continue to do so. Additionally, please respect individuals who choose to wear them on a voluntary basis. For questions on indoor face coverings, please contact

Event Safety Protocols

Attendees at campus events are no longer required to provide proof of vaccination or a negative PCR test. In addition, communal food (i.e., buffets and potlucks) and beverage stations may resume.

We will continue monitoring positivity rates in L.A. County and on campus to assess if any necessary adjustments need to be made based on both positivity rates and updates from public health officials. For more details and for the most current information, including where to get face coverings on campus, visit Toros Together. For questions regarding event safety protocols, please contact
Thank you for your continued commitment to keeping our campus community safe. Go Toros!


Deborah Wallace
Vice President, Administration & Finance/Chief Financial Officer

March 7, 2022: Face Covering Requirement Change Effective March 1

Hello Toros,

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, CSUDH has been dedicated to our campus community’s safety in considering our health precautions. We've worked closely with state and local health officials to align our protocols and practices as the landscape changed to meet the needs of our community.

Consistent with this approach, I am happy to report that CSUDH now offers antigen testing in addition to PCR testing for all students and employees. To schedule an appointment, visit myCSUDH.

Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the two offered tests by reviewing the testing types guide [PDF]. If you recently tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 90 days and were discouraged from using on-campus testing by a member of the COVID-19 Response Team, you will now be able to participate in weekly testing by selecting the antigen testing option.

Should you contract COVID-19 or are identified as a close contact, please call the COVID-19 Hotline at (310) 243-2076 or submit a report online. We will continue to review updates to county, state, and federal guidance daily and may adjust campus policies accordingly. For more information about the reporting process, visit Toros Together Reporting. Additionally, questions may be directed to the COVID-19 Response Team at

Visit Toros Together Testing for additional information on the testing program or email with any questions.

Thank you all for your continued commitment to keeping our community safe.

Stay healthy and safe.


Nora A. Garcia
Emergency Preparedness Manager

February 21, 2022: Face Covering Requirement Change Effective March 1

Dear Toros,

From the very beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, my administration and I have made decisions regarding campus safety measures based on the latest recommendations from local and state public health officials.

Within our local area, COVID-19 positivity rates have been declining precipitously, as have the number of positive cases on campus. (Up-to-date statistics are available at our Toros Together dashboard page.) Thus, our commitment to "follow the science" has led us to another welcome milestone. With L.A. County health officials having recently changed their guidance regarding outdoor masking, I am pleased to announce that effective March 1, 2022, face coverings will no longer be required in outdoor areas of the CSUDH campus. However, those who prefer to wear face coverings outdoors are welcome to continue taking that extra precaution.

Please note that this new guidance doesn’t affect the requirement to wear face coverings inside of all campus buildings, unless behind closed office doors or eating and/or drinking.

We will continue to monitor the situation both on- and off-campus, and remain dedicated to ensuring that the CSUDH campus is as safe and healthy as possible. For the latest information or updates, as always, please visit Toros Together.

I would like to close with a note of big appreciation to everyone in the Toro community who has remained diligent and vigilant in their adherence to campus health and safety protocols during these long months of the pandemic. We could not have reached this milestone without you, and I am proud of the resilience and determination with which we have confronted this virulent threat. Well done, Toros!

Thomas A. Parham, PhD


February 7, 2022: President's Message to Campus
January 7, 2022: Delay of Face-to-Face Instruction to February 14, 2022

From: President Thomas A. Parham

Dear Toro Community,

Effective immediately, due to the surge in positive COVID-19 Omicron cases in L.A. County and on our campus this week, we will return to remote instruction and hybrid operations for the first three weeks of the Spring 2022 semester. Courses will begin in an online modality on January 24, and face-to-face instruction will now start on Monday, February 14.

While the campus is and will remain open, some university staff will be asked to work remotely in the coming weeks to further reduce the number of people on campus. As we’ve done recently, these decisions will be made at unit and departmental levels by the appropriate administrator based on work functions and operational needs. Please check your inbox and Toros Together for updates next week. Thank you for your patience and continued flexibility. Stay safe, Toros.


Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D.

December 31, 2021: Plans and Protocols for Spring 2022

From: President Thomas A. Parham

Dear Toro Community,

In the midst of celebrating the holiday season and preparing for the start of a new year, we are constantly reminded of the impact of COVID-19. Increased cases of the Omicron variant are being reported, emergency rooms are once again reaching capacity, and entities are cancelling events and altering their plans.

Throughout the Winter Break, CSUDH administrators and staff have consulted with the L.A. County Department of Public Health to determine the best course of action for the Spring 2022 semester. Based on the recommendation of the L.A. County Department of Public Health, CSUDH will proceed with plans for all staff to report in-person on Monday, Jan. 3, faculty on Tuesday, Jan. 18, and the first day of classes will begin on Monday, Jan. 24.

Our commitment to keeping the community safe has been vital since this pandemic began. As such, we have:

The above-mentioned protocols were necessary and resulted in a safer campus environment. Yet the recent rise in COVID-19 cases require us to do more to continue keeping our community well. We will now:

  • Require the COVID-19 booster for all students (see the Wednesday, Dec. 22 announcement from the Chancellor’s Office).
  • Encourage all employees to receive the COVID-19 booster. Represented employees will not be required to get the booster until the CSU concludes its meet-and-confer process with its labor unions.
  • Order N95 masks to provide better protection to students, faculty, and staff who need them.
  • Increase the number of days that weekly COVID-19 testing is available on campus from two to three (Tuesday-Thursday).
  • Build the infrastructure to check proof of vaccination and identification in public spaces and for events that are open to the public.

Positive COVID-19 cases are increasing and that is concerning. However, those who test positive for COVID-19 and are fully vaccinated are faring well. In addition to being vaccinated and getting the booster, please remain proactive. Wear a face covering, wash your hands often, and get tested regularly.

We will continue to monitor the impact of COVID-19, communicate with the L.A. County of Public Health, and be led by our twin north stars—the health and safety of our entire community and the academic success of students. If needed, we will make any necessary adjustments, as we have since March 2020. COVID-19 operational phases will soon be distributed, and these phases will include provisions that would lead us to adjust our plans and protocols. In the meantime, for the most comprehensive and current information related to COVID-19 health and safety at CSUDH, please visit Toros Together.

Please enjoy the remainder of the Winter Break. I look forward to starting a new semester with all of you. Stay safe and well, Toros. Happy New Year!


Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D.

November 8, 2021: Spring 2022

From: President Thomas A. Parham

Dear Toro Community,

As you know, the CSUDH campus will return to holding 80% of our courses in person during the Spring 2022 semester. Many students, staff, faculty, and senior administrators are excited by and recognize the importance of being back to face-to-face engagement. However, I know that this eventuality is causing consternation among some students, which has never been our intent. As it has been throughout the pandemic, our guiding principles are the health and well-being of our community and the academic success of all CSUDH students.

I understand all too well that a wide-scale return to in-person courses brings its own challenges, whether in the realm of financial constraints, child care needs, or housing insecurities. These are all legitimate, very real issues that impact some students’ ability to return to campus for classes.

Faculty have received requests that sections of in-person classes also be presented virtually. Asking our already overstretched faculty to teach both online and face-to-face sections of the same course is simply untenable at this time. We simply cannot accommodate offering two modes of instruction for the same course with our limited resources. Please understand that we want to provide support in every way possible, but cannot accommodate every individual’s unique requests.

I am also cognizant that due to the rotation of classes and availability of instructors, there will be students who decide to delay taking necessary courses for graduation, which may impact their anticipated graduation date by a semester or more. While this is not what anyone is hoping for, we have to proceed with our plans to hold 80% of our courses face-to-face.

Please know that these decisions are made with the entirety of the university in mind. I very much empathize with individuals who have been unduly affected by our transition back to in-person learning. However, many students are not performing well and are struggling in an online environment. Even as some of these same students prefer virtual learning, they and many of their peers struggle due to modality of instruction, lack of quiet study space at home, and not having access to tools and equipment they need. It is my strong belief, and that of senior administration that it is in the best interests of the vast majority of our students to return to on-campus instruction.

With that said, we have ample resources and assets to support you during the Spring 2022 semester. Academic advisors, financial aid officers, affinity and student support centers, mental health staff, and your faculty are here to help. I encourage anyone who is struggling to reach out and utilize these resources.

Again, I empathize with those whose individual circumstances make a return to campus problematic, but the decisions regarding Spring 2022 reflect what is best for the Toro Nation as a whole.


Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D.

October 13, 2021: Preparation for Spring 2022

From: President Thomas A. Parham
To: All employees and students

Dear Campus Community:

I hope this message finds you well. As we approach the midpoint of our Fall 2021 semester, I wanted to reach out and connect on a handful of issues that are important to your participation in campus endeavors.

I want to start by thanking faculty, staff, and students for cooperating with COVID-19 health and safety initiatives, including vaccination, self-certification, and continued mask wearing while on campus. These safety measures help to ensure that we maintain a healthy campus environment. I appreciate your cooperation and thank each of you for doing your individual part to contribute to the collective wellbeing of the community.

By now, you have heard our goal of a minimum 80% face-to-face on-campus instruction for the Spring 2022 semester. Why 80%? That number closely approximates the typical in-person engagement we had on campus before the pandemic. Returning to face-to-face instruction is one of the best ways we can support students who have struggled in the virtual classroom.

The registration window for Spring 2022 opens October 18. While students who have been vaccinated, have self-certified, or have an exemption will be free to register for classes, those who have yet to comply will be unable to do so until their self-certification is received. Please do not delay if you have yet to comply or seek a verifiable exemption. Staff and faculty will need to do the same, as your employee status will be impacted if you do not self-certify.

I am aware that there are questions about the 80% goal for face-to-face instruction. Many come from vulnerable communities who have been severely impacted by this pandemic so there is resistance to returning to campus. I empathize with your perspective and sentiments. I, too, come from a community ravaged by COVID-19, and have had my own health challenges in the past. Therefore, I must remain acutely aware of the exposure I am subjected to, given my compromised immune system.

Yet, the reality is that we do not exist in a bubble. We engage with our neighborhoods and businesses at everything from restaurants and gas stations to medical offices and sporting events. With the provisions we have taken on campus, and public health advisories that suggest that we can engage each other safely with proper adherence to health protocols, I am confident that the campus environment is a relatively safe space to traverse. Additionally, it is a fact that many students are not thriving in virtual environments. To support our students and community, we will adhere to the 80% goal when we return in the spring, unless public health advisories or data from L.A. County demand that we revise that plan.

Please know that in addition to information being posted on Toros Together, students have received multiple communications about our repopulation goals, as well as public health reports on COVID infection incidents, hospitalizations, and our own academic calendar and timelines. These data informed our thinking about what campus could tolerate in the Spring 2022 semester.

We also called students regarding compliance issues. During these calls, students were told that the ability to register for spring courses is contingent upon compliance with the self-certification requirement. By viewing our COVID-19 Dashboard, you will notice that a large percentage of students have complied and are readying themselves for the spring semester.

We have much to be proud of and celebrate. The achievements we are now realizing are a result of collective efforts that advance the university. This really is a reflection of our decision to “Go Far Together”, as we learn, journey, and thrive together.


Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D.

September 13, 2021: Self-Certification Deadline Approaching

From: President Thomas A. Parham
To: All Employees

Dear CSUDH community,

I hope the new semester has gotten off to a great start for all of you. It was great seeing and feeling the enthusiasm during last week’s Fall Convocation. I appreciate those who attended in-person and the nearly 300 who attended via livestream.

As you know, due to the ongoing COVID-19 health crisis, CSUDH has instituted a vaccination policy for all employees. The collective health and safety of our entire Toro community has been our guide throughout the pandemic, and this requirement has been mandated as a necessary precaution in the reopening of our campus.

I would like to thank all of the CSUDH employees who have already gotten the COVID-19 vaccine and have self-certified with the campus. For those who still have not received the vaccine yet, I strongly urge you to do so with all due haste. The deadline for most employees to self-certify is Sept. 30, while those represented by the California State University Employees Union (CSUEU) and the California Faculty Association (CFA) have until Oct. 27. Employees can self-certify by visiting the myCSUDH portal.

As I have mentioned in previous messages, each of us here at CSUDH is expected to be on campus performing our jobs this semester. Data has shown that our Toro students are not thriving in an all-virtual environment, and we are committed to doing everything in our power to support student success. Each of us who gets vaccinated and comes to campus to work every day is sending a powerful message that reflects our support and willingness to do whatever it takes to help students succeed.

Some members of the Toro Nation are unable to receive the vaccine, and may receive an exemption due to medical or religious reasons. The vaccine requirement will be waived for these individuals if they submit a valid exemption by the deadline. Those who are unable to receive the vaccine are expected to test weekly. Testing is available on campus each Wednesday and Thursday, and all members of the Toro community are encouraged to get tested weekly, regardless of vaccination status. For any other members of the Toro community without an exemption, failure to receive the vaccination and self-certify by the deadline may well impact the conditions of your employment.

I understand that misinformation and scaremongering have persisted in some corners of our online environment, and that many of you may have concerns about the safety or efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine. Thanks to Sophia Momand, MD, of our own CSUDH Student Health Center, we now have "12 Things You Need to Know About the COVID-19 Vaccine," which is located below the self-certification information. Everyone is encouraged to read and share Dr. Momand’s informative list. Also visit the Toros Together website for the most current details on how we can all keep one another safe.

I am beyond excited to continue building on the momentum that we have created together. I know you are all eager to "build back better." Please join me in doing everything possible to ensure our community’s health and safety and support student success. Get vaccinated, self-certify…and Go Toros!


Thomas A. Parham

September 13, 2021: Spring 2022 Instructional Planning

From: President Thomas A. Parham

Dear CSUDH faculty,

Once again, welcome back! The past 18 months have been trying for all of us, and I appreciate everything that you have done to facilitate the pandemic-imposed changes to your courses and teaching methods.

With that said, we are now four weeks into our return to academic activities, and some things are already becoming crystal clear. As I speak with Toro students, their enthusiasm and excitement at being back on campus are palpable. Many of them are continuing to struggle to adjust to the virtual spaces they find themselves in.

Our Toro students’ ability to adapt to rapidly changing conditions is indeed admirable, but they are not thriving in this virtual environment. Our ASI president, Jonathan Molina Mancio, has made it clear to me that many of his fellow students are struggling with the continued impacts of distance and virtual learning. I hear him loud and clear, just as I need all of you to hear me today.

As I have shared with the Academic Senate, my goal and my expectation for the Spring 2022 semester is that we offer 80% of our courses in a face-to-face format. If you need to make specific adjustments to your courses, please communicate with your department chair and dean. We have a process in place for such adjustments, and I have directed the Provost to work with the deans to operationalize this process going forward. We appreciate your cooperation in this endeavor.

Of course, we know that the road back from the pandemic has been anything but a straight one, so we are preparing contingency plans which will allow us to roll back or redirect activities should changing circumstances warrant a change of direction. You will be involved in those plans.

I once again encourage any of you who have not yet been vaccinated to do so. It is a must for returning to campus. Those who have been vaccinated should make sure that you have self-certified with the university. On-campus COVID-19 testing remains available on Wednesdays and Thursdays, and we continue to require face coverings indoors and outdoors (unless eating or drinking with proper social distance).

While there will undoubtedly be bumps on the road to Spring 2022, we must all remember the real reason that all of us are here: the students we serve. Their success is our ultimate goal, and we must all be prepared to educate them in the means and manner that will best contribute to that success.

Thank you,

Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D.

August 4, 2021: COVID-19 Vaccination Self-Certification

From: Human Resources
To: All Employees

Dear Toros,

August has arrived, and the Fall 2021 semester is right around the corner. As we return to campus to support student learning and success, the health and safety of our campus community remains the highest priority. For this reason, it is necessary to inform you of a recent change in our vaccination protocols for employees working on campus.

As you may know, on July 27, the California State University (CSU) system announced that all faculty, staff, and students will have to be vaccinated against the coronavirus in order to physically go to campus. Though medical and religious exemptions will be honored, everyone else must be vaccinated to work, attend classes, or engage in other campus activities.

So what does that mean for you, specifically?

  • All employees will be required to complete the self-certification through the myCSUDH portal. You will have until September 30, 2021, to provide proof of vaccination status. Please view these instructions on how to provide proof of vaccination status and/or use the attached COVID-19 Self-Certification Quick Reference Guide.
  • Non-represented vaccinated employees must upload proof of COVID-19 vaccination (Ex. Vaccination card, QR code from the State of CA, letter from a health care provider, etc.).
  • Employees who do not provide proof or a valid exemption by that date may be denied access to campus; represented employees will not be subject to the disciplinary process on vaccination and testing mandates until meet and confers with the unions have concluded.
  • CSUDH will continue weekly COVID-19 surveillance testing, which is currently mandatory for MPPs, confidential employees, CSUEU employees, and non-represented student employees. However, employees in these groups who have uploaded their vaccine card may opt out of weekly surveillance testing.
  • Weekly surveillance testing is strongly encouraged for all employees, regardless of vaccination status, and may become mandatory for other represented employees as meet and confers with the unions conclude.
  • Complete details are available at the Toros Together Faculty page and Toros Together Staff page.

Getting vaccinated is a safe, easy, and effective way of stopping and slowing the spread of this virus, and a necessary step in getting our state and nation out of its grip. It is important for each and every one of us to do our part.

The Toro Nation is looking forward to once again being on campus. That excitement must be tempered with the acknowledgement of our individual responsibilities and what we must continue to do to keep our families and communities healthy and safe.

The university strongly encourages any unvaccinated individuals to do so as soon as possible—even if you are not planning on returning to campus in the fall. Every vaccinated person makes the Toro Nation stronger, safer, and healthier.

For more information on the COVID-19 vaccine, visit Toros Together.

If you have any questions, please contact that office of Human Resources by emailing or calling (310) 243-3771.

July 27, 2021: CSU COVID-19 Vaccination Policy

Dear Campus Community,

In previous communications, I have reiterated throughout the COVID-19 pandemic that protecting the health and safety of our entire campus community will be a top priority in every decision we make. Chancellor Joseph I. Castro and all CSU presidents are guided to protect the health and safety of students, faculty, and staff across the entire CSU as well.

With that in mind, Chancellor Castro and the CSU presidents have jointly decided that the best course of action going forward is to require all faculty, staff, and students who will be accessing campus facilities in the Fall 2021 to be immunized against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Please refer to the systemwide public announcement sent by the Chancellor’s Office moments ago, which provides further details.

If you have not already been vaccinated, I strongly urge you to make arrangements and do so immediately. The recent surge of the Delta Variant is particularly concerning, especially given that most cases now are among those who are not vaccinated. We also know now through scientific data the proven efficacy of the vaccine in preventing COVID-19’s spread and severity. CDC data indicates, however, that vaccination rates among college-age and minority individuals continue to lag behind those of other demographic groups. These facts underscore the importance of this CSU directive. CSUDH family, there are factors with this pandemic that we cannot control, including the virus and how it mutates into different variants. What we can control, though, is our own behaviors to wear face coverings, stay physically distanced when necessary, and to get vaccinated to ensure maximum protection for ourselves and others. 

I am excited to welcome folks back to campus, but must temper that excitement with the realities of the ongoing situation. Requiring vaccinations of those on campus is a necessary, efficient way of safeguarding the health of the Toro Nation and our surrounding communities. I applaud CSU leadership for recognizing its importance in implementing this policy. 

Stay healthy,

Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D

July 6, 2021: CSUDH Updated Health and Safety Protocols

Dear Campus Community,

As we continue our efforts for safely repopulating the campus, a thoughtful and measured approach will help ensure that we have set the stage to fully support the health and well-being of our campus community. To that end, all departments and offices will be open for business with revised health and safety protocols designed to safeguard everyone on campus.

Throughout the state, workplace regulations have been revised and updated to align with recommendations from the California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal/OSHA) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Some of CSUDH’s revised measures exceed regulatory requirements and are necessary in keeping our entire community healthy and safe.

With a campus population that will include both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, CSUDH has chosen to maintain certain safety measures for the time being, such as requiring face coverings while on campus. Below is a summary of updated CSUDH health and safety protocols, effective immediately:


Symptom checking and pre-screening on the iToros app will help prevent the spread of COVID-19. It is recommended that all employees, students, and visitors complete the pre-screening before coming to campus each day. The Toro Safety Ambassadors are no longer issuing wristbands.

Face Coverings

All campus visitors are required to wear face coverings at all times while indoors or outdoors. When eating, face coverings can be removed but 6 feet of social distancing must be observed.

Social Distancing

All social distancing requirements have been eliminated for indoor and outdoor spaces, except when eating (as mentioned above).

Voluntary Vaccination Self-Attestation

A vaccination self-attestation form will be provided to employees. The information will be gathered for the sole purpose of administering provisions of the Cal/OSHA Emergency Temporary Standards (ETS).

Surveillance Testing

Surveillance testing will continue to be available to all employees. Vaccinated employees are not required to test, so those that complete the vaccination self-attestation will be exempt. Employees who are not vaccinated should continue to test on a weekly basis.

Safety Training

A revised CSUDH COVID-19 Safety Training session aligned with the new standards will soon be available through CSU Learn. The training will be required of all employees returning to campus. Once the training is available, employees will receive an email notification.

We are confident that these measures will allow us all to return to campus safely.

For the most current repopulation details, including a recently updated Staff FAQ page, please visit Toros Together. The repopulation planning effort remains fluid as federal, state and local guidance’s change frequently. We will continue to update our campus community as information becomes available.  

If you have any questions please contact Human Resources at

I look forward to seeing you soon!

Warm Regards,

Deborah Wallace
Vice President, Administration & Finance/Chief Financial Officer

June 11, 2021: Repopulating Campus Timeline

A new academic year always brings excitement, and this year is no exception. As we approach the start of Fall 2021, we also anticipate the repopulation of our campus after relying on virtual connections since March 2020. Notwithstanding changes in the mode of operations, there has been a holistic focus on continuing the momentum we were building before the pandemic, with the intentional spotlight on producing excellence in all our endeavors. As we emerge from our virtual spaces, we will repopulate a campus that has likewise evolved and is thriving. This new academic year is accompanied by significant opportunity—the opportunity to become greater and better than we’ve ever been.

Planning to repopulate our campus required input from all facets of our community. This collaborative and consultative process has been grounded in guidance by our two north stars: the health and safety of the campus community and the academic success of our students. Adhering to these principles has led us to a repopulation plan that’s in the best interest of our collective wellbeing, and that ensures when students return to campus, they have access to all services needed to sustain their academic success.

Based on a foundation of functionality and the need to provide face-to-face contact to best support students, the phased repopulation schedule for non-faculty employees is as follows: 

  • Monday, July 19 – Phase 1 units and all MPPs
  • Monday, August 2 – Phase 2 units
  • Monday, August 16 – Phase 3 units

This phased-in approach will ensure that we return to campus safely, we are prepared to provide our students with the high-quality education and necessary support they deserve, and we can make any adjustments prior to the first day of classes on August 24. Your manager will communicate which phase you are in and work with you and your unit to determine how to deliver full coverage, including in virtual spaces, to our student body and one another.

This repopulation plan is based on the latest information available. As has been the case since the pandemic started, changes are inevitable and can happen quickly. As additional data is available, your manager will assess the responsibilities and coverage your unit provides and if necessary, determine appropriate modifications needed during this upcoming term. These assessments, along with mandates from the State of California, Public Health officials, or the Chancellor’s Office, may provide the basis for future decisions.

Please know there will be more frequent communications in the coming days, weeks, and months so that you are informed and well-prepared for this ongoing transition. In addition to receiving more frequent communications, I invite you to participate in an all-employee Town Hall in July. Registration details are coming soon.

The pandemic forced us to drastically alter everything that we do. This alteration to the way we educate and engage with our students has taught us many lessons. We’ve learned what is most essential for providing intellectual transformation, that everyone did not thrive in the midst of the adaptations we adjusted to, that we can exercise some flexibility without diminishing our standards, and that we are truly in this together. As we prepare to repopulate our campus, we must remember, lean on, and expand all the lessons that we’ve learned.

I understand that this is yet another transition. I know that you will have to personally adjust and mentally prepare to return to campus. I encourage you to take advantage of all available campus resources during this transition, including those listed below. I also encourage you to remember that Toro Nation is making this shift together. At a time like this, we need to remind ourselves of the strong community that we’ve built together. Let’s take this great opportunity presented to us. Being mindful of the lessons we’ve learned, choosing to approach this year with grace and agility, and dedicating ourselves to the same level of transformation that we expect from our students will position us well to continue evolving CSUDH into a better version of ourselves.

I appreciate your flexibility and patience. I hope you are as excited as I am to return to our beautiful and thriving campus. See you soon and go Toros!


Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D.

Helpful Resources

For questions regarding medical ADA accommodations, please contact Shaun Milton, Associate Director, HR Programs at or visit

Please also take advantage of our Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Life Matters. Visit our EAP at (password: DHtoros) or call 1-800-367-7474.

Revisit Toros Together for the most current information related to repopulation, measures we’re taking to keep our community well, and how you can stay safe.

May 14, 2021: Vaccination Clinic at CSUDH

Campus Community,

I am pleased to announce that the university has partnered with Rite Aid to bring a pop-up vaccination clinic to campus for CSUDH faculty, staff, students, and members of the community—including those age 12 years or older, who are now eligible in Los Angeles County to receive the Pfizer vaccine.

The pop-up clinic will take place on Wednesday, May 19, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. A team of Rite Aid health professionals will be administering first-dose Pfizer vaccines and single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccines. The clinic would return Wednesday, June 9, to give the second dose to individuals who received the Pfizer vaccine at the May 19 clinic. Adolescents age 12 to 15 will only be offered the Pfizer vaccine and must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.

Appointments are encouraged but not required. To schedule an appointment, visit

The walk-in clinic will take place in the university’s Extended Education building, with free parking in Lot 3 off Victoria Street at Tamcliff/Toro Center Drive. For a CSUDH campus map and driving directions, visit

For more information, visit


Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D.

May 7, 2021: Fall 2021 Campus Repopulation

Dear Campus Community,

As of May 5, Los Angeles County became eligible to advance from the orange Covid-19 tier to yellow. This move results in restriction lifts, allows for higher capacity limits in certain venues, and supports Governor Newsom’s plan for an anticipated statewide reopening on June 15.

At CSUDH, everything that we have done and will do is guided by our twin north stars— the health and safety of all members of our community and student learning and success. Our repopulation planning approach is no different. The Cabinet is equally dedicated to our community’s health and safety and the success of our students.

Based on the recent Fall 2021 Return to Campus Survey results, there are mixed sentiments about an accelerated return to the university. Data tells us that faculty and management are generally more ready to return than staff and students, whose families have been hit especially hard. Consequently, we need to accommodate not only physical safety, but also remain cognizant of the need for time and space to recover from emotional trauma. Many in our community were afflicted with the virus themselves and saw the impact of the Covid infection on loved ones. Our student population has been negatively impacted at higher rates, with more dire consequences because of and complicated by socioeconomical differences. Thus, it is imperative, for the sake of our students’ learning in addition to their wellbeing, that repopulation plans consider some of the unique circumstances influencing their willingness and ability to return to campus.

I know that you all want answers and clarity, and while I am committed to transparency, the dynamic nature of the information that is rapidly changing demands that the team and I be very deliberate in our messaging. Here is what is known thus far:

  • June 1 is our self-imposed deadline for all class schedule changes to be finalized and published, and when all contributing factors will be considered. After June 1, further changes to the Fall semester are unlikely so that we can provide some measure of stability for you to prepare and plan.

  • We are currently anticipating at least 20-30% of our class sections to be face-to-face. We may have an opportunity to double that percentage given progress in the public health sphere, the scientific consensus that instructional and co-curricular spaces don’t need deep cleaning between every class, and assuming that infection rates, hospitalizations, and mortality rates continue to decline. Our capacity on campus may increase as the vaccination becomes more readily available and administered. Residence halls, University Library, student services, affinity centers, Loker Student Union, and our food services will follow a similar pattern of repopulation. We will update you further when we have more clarity about staffing levels and resource availability.
  • We expect more information on a vaccination mandate to be issued by the Chancellor’s Office in the very near future. Please know that I am committed to supporting the Chancellor’s call for all members of the university community to be vaccinated when returning to campus.

Thank you for your continued patience, understanding, and trust as we do our best to manage our Fall repopulation plans safely.


Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D.

April 27, 2021: Modifications of Travel Restrictions as of June 1, 2021

To: All employees and students

From: Deborah Wallace, Vice President, Administration & Finance/Chief Financial Officer

Greetings Toro Family,

The CSU Office of the Chancellor reviewed the travel restrictions that were to be in effect through June 30, 2021. These restrictions suspended all international and non-essential domestic travel. Effective June 1, 2021, after considering the expected widespread availability of the COVID-19 vaccine, in addition to the re-population planning transpiring at all campuses, the CSU Chancellor’s Office, has modified the travel restrictions currently in place. 

However, the CSUDH travel request, approval, and reimbursement process will remain unchanged. As we consider international travel including faculty research activity and student study abroad, careful consideration will be given to all requests in support of our first priority of maintaining the health, safety, and well-being of our campus community.

The final decision on which countries will be approved will likely take place later in spring when more information is available. This includes not only our own policies, but also those of the host country. For example, Australia does not have a significant number of cases, but our partners there have decided not to allow incoming foreign students. Therefore, we will need to look carefully at each program location or travel destination and consider the CDC warning level for that country.

Travel guidelines published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) at Travel | CDC should be adhered to at all times when on travel. Those requesting and approving travel should check this CDC website for restrictions that may be in place for state, local, territorial governments, and other countries. For travel abroad, requestors should also check the Travel Advisories ( website for your intended destination.  Conditions are changing rapidly with the pandemic, so check early and often to ensure that possible changes won’t negatively impact your travel.

Please refer to the CSUDH travel website at Travel ( for additional information on required campus policies and procedures that remain in effect.  For general travel inquiries, please contact: 310-243-3807.

Thank you for your cooperation. 

Deborah Wallace
Vice President, Administration & Finance/Chief Financial Officer

March 26, 2021: Update on Fall 2021 Planning

To: CSUDH Faculty

From: Dr. Michael E. Spagna, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you for the work you've been doing this semester to protect and sustain our core educational mission in such challenging times. This email summarizes what we've done and learned so far and how we're applying that to our planning for the fall.

At the suggestion of Academic Senate and Associated Students, Inc., we started this semester with a set of college-based symposia, bringing together faculty, students, and staff to share impressions of our mostly online lives. We heard that the prioritization of teaching and learning has mostly worked: although few of our classes meet face-to-face this semester, students are still learning what they need to and making progress to degree. But the interpersonal side of what we do is much more complicated now. We miss the free exchange not only of ideas but of people, faces, and conversation. We're grateful that tools like Blackboard, email, and Zoom give us a way to carry on, but they collectively exhaust us.

This semester the challenges are complicated by rapid developments in the fight against the pandemic and shifting guidance from the CDC, local health agencies, WSCUC, and the CSU Office of the Chancellor. These conflicting expectations reflect genuine uncertainty – in this context, we should expect some zigzagging – but they make long-term planning very hard.

Here are the things we know about next fall:

  • The pandemic will have eased but not disappeared. Aftereffects will prove psychologically and physically significant; many of our communities were especially hard-hit, and people will need time to reacclimate to campus life.
  • At the request [PDF] of our vice provost, faculty have now prioritized their fall classes for face-to-face instruction. Courses in the top three of the four priority levels – that is, the ones coded in PeopleSoft as P1 through P3 – make up about 20% of the total. If we draw the line there, then the other 80% of our classes – those prioritized as P4 plus those that have always been online – would be delivered virtually.
  • Our regional accreditor, WSCUC, is letting colleges and universities remain mostly online for the rest of this calendar year on a temporary basis without petitioning for formal approval.

Taken together, these are promising developments, and they give us a margin of flexibility. But we're constrained by other factors beyond our control, namely how much social distancing local officials will require and how many people our campus can hold.

To that end, I've asked staff in Academic Affairs and other divisions to prepare for a Fall 2021 return under several scenarios, calculating the space and staffing levels we would need at social distancing requirements of six feet, three feet, or none. Managers are thinking now about the on-campus presence their offices would need to support students at different population levels and how much work can continue by telecommuting.

Within the next two weeks, I would like to present faculty with a proposed cutoff line for in-person instruction. If we find we can safely conduct 20% of our classes on campus, we may propose drawing the line between P3 and P4. If health conditions continue to improve, we'll explore moving more P4 classes to face-to-face.

Wherever the line first lands, faculty will have the chance to recategorize their classes before we call it final. And under any conditions, we will not "pivot" from virtual to face-to-face delivery after the semester has started.

Our students will begin registering for their fall classes on April 19. By then, we will have agreed on the extent of face-to-face instruction, and our class schedulers will have used the faculty's priorities to change most class locations from physical classrooms to "Alternative Instruction." But given how quickly the public health situation is improving, things could change soon after April 19. Most of our community will have been vaccinated within a few more weeks. And we may find that as students and staff return to other venues like movie theaters and restaurants, they feel readier to come back to Dominguez Hills. As sentiment changes, we have to be ready to change with it.

So my commitment to the faculty and others at Dominguez Hills is that I will take my cues from you. The Toro Team for Learning and Instruction now meets weekly with representatives from multiple constituencies to stay in constant touch with all who work and study here at CSUDH. My staff and I have standing briefings with the Academic Senate and meet twice weekly with college leadership to keep our planning as informed and nimble as possible.

And my commitment to students is that any significant revisions to the fall schedule will be completed by June 1. As public health improves in late April and May, faculty may want more classes to come back, taking some of the weight off Zoom, email, and Blackboard as we struggle to connect with our students.

But after June 1 – no matter how much better things get this summer – we'lll need to keep our schedule mostly unchanged. Our students, and their employers and families, will require that time to prepare for whatever level of return we commit to going forward. And so will we.

As President Parham has pointed out, these times of crisis challenge our community's ability to respond and stick together.

Thank you, again, for rising to that challenge.

January 6, 2021: CSUDH COVID-19 Testing Announcement and Prevention Protocol

CSUDH's response to the COVID-19 pandemic is focused on the health and safety of our students, faculty, staff, and campus community. The primary goals are to protect public health, create a safe environment to learn and work, and continue the institution's vital mission of providing a transformative education.

Accordingly, CSUDH is committed to following federal, state, local and CSU Systemwide guidance in response to COVID-19 workplace protocols for students and employees. Measures that California employers must undertake are focused on preventing the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace.

In preparation for the Spring 2021 semester, the following guidelines will help ensure that the campus adheres to federal, state, and local regulations:

Testing Program Overview:

  • The campus is providing weekly full-service drive-thru testing for surveillance purposes (i.e., repeat testing). For the first week of testing, two testing dates will be offered, Monday, January 11 and Wednesday, January 13, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. both days. Thereafter, testing will only be offered on Wednesdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Walk up testing will be made available for those that do not have a vehicle or utilize public transportation.
  • Faculty and students returning to campus for face-to-face courses beginning February 1, 2021 should be tested on Wednesday, January 27, 2021. If testing cannot be completed on that day, please delay any return to campus until testing has been completed on one of the designated weekly test dates and a negative result has been received.
  • Testing will be provided at no charge to eligible participants. Those found ineligible may be invoiced for the testing fee.
  • For additional information on the testing program and a list of Frequently Asked Questions, please refer to the Toro Together COVID-19 Surveillance Testing website.

Eligibile Participants:

  • Essential/sustained staff approved to work on campus. Temporary returns (i.e., single day approvals) to campus are not eligible for the program. 
  • Faculty teaching face-to-face
  • Students in University Housing and those taking face-to-face classes

Testing Frequency:

  • Weekly COVID-19 testing will be mandatory for students in University Housing and those taking face-to-face classes.
  • Essential/sustained staff and faculty working on campus are strongly encouraged to be tested once per week throughout the semester.

Drive-Thru Testing Process:

  • Eligible students, faculty, and staff will receive a link from the campus within the next couple days to make an appointment. A confirmation email will be sent by the testing provider (Phamatech Laboratories & Diagnostics) with the selected date/time. 
  • Once registered, please report to Parking Lot 1 at the selected appointment time. Do not exit your vehicle. Please bring your university or government issued identification card. See map for directions.
  • The testing provider will collect the sample and the results will be emailed to the registered email address within 24 - 48 hours.

Mandatory Symptom Self Assessment

Prior to returning or visiting the campus, students, faculty, staff, contractors, and vendors should conduct a self-assessment to determine if they are experiencing any of the symptoms below. Should symptoms be present, employees should seek medical attention, contact their supervisor, and refrain from reporting to work. Please visit the CDC website for additional information on symptoms. 

To make the self-screening as convenient as possible, the university has added a screening tool to the iToros Mobile app (available on iOS and Android mobile devices). The self-screening module asks users to complete a series of health questions that help evaluate if the user has symptoms commonly identified with COVID-19 and whether the user may visit campus. Individuals experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms should stay home and contact their healthcare provider.

This new testing program does not replace existing preventative measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, which include:

  • Face Coverings
  • Hand Hygiene/Washing
  • Maintaining Physical Distancing


For COVID-19 related questions or concerns, please email the Emergency Operations Center, visit the Toros Together website or contact the COVID-19 hotline at (310) 243-2076 to confidentially report positive results or possible exposure.

December 10, 2020: CSU Campus Planning for January – June 2021

TO: CSU Presidents

FROM: Timothy P. White, Chancellor
Joseph I. Castro, Chancellor-select

The rapidly deteriorating conditions regarding the spread and prevalence of COVID-19 – nationally and in the many regions of California - are deeply concerning. The increasing percentage of positive tests, the growing number of hospitalizations, and the subsequent morbidity and mortality rates are extremely worrisome. The pandemic's progression, coupled with the reality that many of our students and employees will be traveling and/or socializing with others over the next several weeks (contrary to public health warnings against such behavior) throughout California, to other states and internationally, creates an immediate urgency to review - and likely adjust - campus plans.

These dynamic and concerning conditions suggest a re-assessment of how the current term ends, and certainly how the 2021 term(s) begins. Many of you already have begun this reassessment. As with prior planning efforts, there will be variability in the adjustments made across our 23 campuses, depending on a host of regional differences. The current best analysis is that we are in the early stages of an eight-week surge that is anticipated to last through the end of January 2021 – one that has every indication of making our experience last March and over the summer seem diminutive in comparison.

We shall remain guided by our twin North Stars: ensuring the health and safety of our students, faculty, staff and the communities we serve, as well as enabling progression toward degree for the greatest number of students.

There are no perfect solutions. Our challenge is to mitigate and decrease the spread of the virus as we await broad vaccine availability currently projected for spring or early summer 2021. It is again time to call upon all CSU campus constituencies for a strong and unified sense of community, as well as shared responsibility. As campus presidents, you have both the moral authority and the communication platform to provide this leadership for your students, faculty, staff and your broader communities.

As mentioned, many of you already have reconvened your campus teams and engaged your local public health departments as you reassess your plans. We request that all campuses do so. Of course, any change in campus planning will require notifying faculty, staff and students as soon as possible to set expectations and allow for appropriate planning.

The goal is to review your campus' practices to further mitigate the human-to-human (faculty, staff and students) interaction for the duration of this current surge. This communication is intended to provide a degree of flexibility and autonomy for you to accomplish our goal, in respect of your local circumstance.

Accomplishing our goal requires careful consideration of not only teaching and learning modalities – including research and creative activity – but also cultural and athletic activities in which your campus might be engaged, along with careful management of the repopulation of residence halls.

Individuals who engage in higher-risk behavior over the coming holidays – whether traveling to more highly infected areas and/or engaging in social gatherings that defy public health mandates – add challenge for us. Thus, as you consider ways to repopulate residence halls (and to the extent you can influence peri-campus communities), we ask that you exercise and urge caution. The prevailing advice from public health experts is to test, sequester individuals for approximately seven days, and then re-test. Of course, your ability to follow this protocol will depend on local conditions and resource availability.

We ask that you consider delaying the face-to-face instruction – even for classes that have a limited in-person component – to as late as possible in January or even into February, with appropriate testing, sequestering and tracing protocols in place to help mitigate the virus’ spread in your region.

Spring breaks that are scheduled typically in March and April will provide another challenge or opportunity, depending on the status of disease progression at that time. Any adjustments to these scheduled breaks will need to follow established protocols for changing academic calendars, unless such protocols are waived because of the crisis. For those campuses that have not already adjusted their spring calendars, we suggest making your decisions about spring break by late January/early February.

And finally, while we all wish for a respite from the pandemic over the holiday season, that, regrettably, is unlikely. The revisions of campus plans that we are necessarily addressing now may need further adjustment as the dynamic nature of this pandemic evolves, and as guidance from federal, state and county authorities changes. Therefore, any communications you have with faculty, staff and students should advise them about the dynamic nature of the moment, and ask them to be aware that further modifications may occur while they are "out on break." We deeply appreciate the thoughtful planning and prudent actions taken by you and your cabinets over the past nine months. And we ask that you maintain your focus on our twin north stars, stay nimble and continue to develop creative solutions as circumstances evolve well into 2021.

December 8, 2020: Policy to Extend the Deadline to Drop a Course for Fall 2020

Read the PDF version of the Deadline to Drop policy [PDF].

Code Number: AA 2020-09
Status: Active
Effective Date: December 7, 2020
Keywords: COVID-19, W, Drop/Withdrawal
Supersedes: NA
Review Cycle: NA

Extension for the Deadline to Drop a Course for Fall 2020

1.0 Policy Purpose
To extend the time a student has to petition to drop a course and receive a “W” for said course to December 23, 2020 and to streamline this process.

2.0 Policy Statement

2.1 The decision to remain in alternative virtual modes of instruction in Fall semester 2020 was made due to the shutdowns enacted by the Governor of California in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the mandates of the California State University Chancellor. Allowing students to request a late Drop/Withdrawal option for courses in Fall 2020 will provide students with some flexibility in cases where their course progress has been impacted by the pandemic.

3.0 Policy

3.1 The Drop/Withdrawal deadlines will be modified for Fall 2020 to allow undergraduate, post-baccalaureate, and graduate students to petition the Registrar's Office to request a Drop/Withdrawal. The new Drop/Withdrawal deadline for Fall 2020 is December 23, 2020.

3.2 To complete this petition, and in keeping with the process implemented for the Spring 2020 COVID-19 grading policy, students only need to submit the appropriate form to the Registrar's Office; no signatures from the instructor, department chair, or dean are required.

3.3 All advising units and departments/programs will offer students advising on the potential effects of choosing to withdraw from a course.

3.4 Current limits to course withdrawals will be suspended in the determination of Pace of Completion (Pace) for students.

3.5 Consistent with the Course Withdrawal Policy (AA 2006-16 &, the "Course Drop with Record of Enrollment Deadline" (W) on the Academic Calendar for Fall 2020 will be extended to December 23, 2020 and apply retroactively for the semester. Fall 2020 courses marked W will not count toward the 18-unit withdrawal limit.

3.6 Should a student receive a Withdrawal Unauthorized for the semester, the appeals process remains open for them to request a Withdrawal. The appeals process established in spring 2020 for to request a NC or W will be utilized to implement the appeal.

3.7 All Incomplete Charged will be extended for a period of six months.

4.0 Related information

4.1 California State University Grading Symbols, Minimum Standards Governing the Assignment of Grades, Policies on the Repetition of Courses, Policies on Academic Renewal, and Grad Appeals, Executive Order (EO) 1037

4.2 CSUDH Academic Affairs Policies:

4.2.1 AA 2006-16 Course Withdrawal Policy [PDF]

4.2.2 AA 2020-02 Spring 2020 Grading Modification in Response to the COVID19 Pandemic: No Credit and/or Course Withdrawal Options [PDF]

Approved: Dr. Michael E. Spagna, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Date: December 7, 2020

November 20, 2020: Reminder to Be Safe This Holiday Season

To: Campus Community
From: President Parham

Dear Campus Community,

As we approach the holiday season in this most tumultuous of years, I would like to take a moment to remind everyone to stay safe.

COVID-19 is on the rise again throughout the country, and Los Angeles County remains in the purple zone, or tier one, indicating the virus is widespread. We must recognize the seriousness of the numbers we are seeing in terms of infections, hospitalizations, and deaths. The virus has still not been contained or controlled and state leaders have issued a Limited Stay at Home order for most of California -

In the absence of a vaccine, the best protection that we have is our own personal behavior. We must create a climate that reinforces and celebrates behavioral change, in order to protect ourselves and the most vulnerable among us.

I understand that everyone is getting tired of being confined at home or restricting outside movement. “Quarantine fatigue” is a real thing, but we must not allow our boredom or ennui to place ourselves or others at risk. We all want to visit with family and friends, but the medical and public health reality is that large gatherings are frankly not safe at this time. Being around large or even small groups of people increases one’s vulnerability index.

If you celebrate Thanksgiving, please consider doing so remotely this year. If you do meet in person, utilize all the best safety practices: wear a mask, physically distance yourself as much as possible, and wash and sanitize your hands frequently. Practicing good health habits is the best way to protect yourself and other members of our community. Make no mistake, this virus does not know geography, political party, income status, or racial and gender demographics. It has had an impact on everyone, and for some the consequences can be extremely severe. As a reminder, the university has established a COVID-19 reporting hotline at (310) 243-2076, for members of the campus to confidentially report COVID-19 positive results or possible exposure.

In my own family, your first lady, Davida Hopkins-Parham and I do celebrate Thanksgiving. Yet, even in this time of a global pandemic, cries for social justice, and election divisiveness we never want to lose sight of those things we are most thankful for. We are blessed to be proud members of the Toro Family, thankful for the way all of you have persevered through the adversities of the day, and proud of our institutional mission to educate the next generation of critical thinkers and community leaders whose intellectual gifts we have an opportunity to cultivate and develop. Davida and I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving, but let's make sure to temper our celebrations with a healthy dose of reality this year.

Be safe. Be well.


Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D.

September 11, 2020: Spring 2021 to Remain Primarily Virtual

To: Campus Community
From: President Parham

Dear Campus Community,

Yesterday, Chancellor Timothy White announced [PDF] that the California State University system will continue to operate in a primarily virtual environment through the spring 2021 semester. It was a difficult decision, but very appropriate, and one that I wholeheartedly support. I am writing today to confirm that CSUDH will follow suit and remain primarily virtual this spring.

The CSU system was among the first in the nation to announce that the fall 2020 semester would be primarily virtual. Once again, a far-sighted approach is being taken, with the principal goal of protecting the health and safety of every member of our campus community, while we continue our best efforts to ensure student success. Making this decision early on also will allow everyone at CSUDH – faculty, staff, students, and senior executives – to adequately prepare for this eventuality, and align our efforts with those outcomes.

This is not a decision that has been taken lightly. Every member of Toro Nation is eager to get back on campus, as am I, but this is not a situation in which we can just “flip a switch” and make everything return to normal. With the COVID-19 pandemic still raging throughout the nation, the local incidence and prevalence data of those infected with the virus being unacceptably high, and our demographic population that statistics show are more vulnerable to the disease and its consequential effects, there is simply no way to ensure that a spring return to campus would be feasible.

We have seen examples of universities across the U.S. that have returned to campus too early, with tragic and predictable results. Even those whose principally virtual return has allowed higher numbers of in-person courses and returnees are themselves being challenged with the consequences of a less than predictable situation. Chancellor White's leadership during the crisis has kept the CSU community safe and healthy, and yesterday's announcement is another example of his wise and necessarily cautious approach. I commend him and my CSU President colleagues on their willingness to “lean in” and make the tough decisions that are needed during such a momentous time.

Rest assured, your administration and executive leadership will work with every stakeholder to create a workable plan for moving forward this spring. In the end, all decisions will be driven by the bottom line of protecting the health and safety of Toro Nation, while doing our best to support faculty and staff, and facilitate the success of our students.

This has been a trying time for all of us, and yesterday's news was further confirmation that we have challenging days ahead. Still, I remain confident that our students, faculty, staff, and senior executives will continue to rise to the challenge, striving for excellence even in the face of daunting adversity.

More information about the spring semester will be released in the weeks ahead. For the most recent news and updates about the COVID-19 pandemic, please visit

Thank you for your patience and understanding. Stay strong, Toros, and please comply with all health and safety protocols. We will get through this, because that is what we do in the Toro Nation!

Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D.

September 10, 2020: Planning for the 2021 Academic Term

To: Faculty, Staff, and Students of The California State University
From: Timothy P. White, Chancellor

The COVID-19 era presents significant and varied challenges to our health and welfare, to our economy, and to the way we sustain a vibrant university - one that embraces inclusive excellence while fulfilling the CSU core missions of teaching and learning; of discovery and innovative contribution; and of engagement with and service to the communities, state and nation we call home.

On May 12, 2020, I announced that our planning approach for the fall 2020 term would result in courses primarily being delivered virtually, with limited exceptions for in-person activities that cannot be delivered virtually, are indispensable to the university's core mission, and can be conducted within rigorous standards of safety and welfare.

After extensive consultation with campus presidents and other stakeholders, and careful consideration of a multitude of factors - regarding the pandemic and its consequences, as well as other matters impacting the university and its operations - I am announcing that the CSU will continue with this primarily virtual instructional approach for the academic term that begins in January 2021, and also will continue with reduced populations in campus housing.

Allow me to share some observations from the past four months, and summarize the rationale for continuing this approach in the new year.

In retrospect, making this consequential decision approximately three and one-half months before the start of the new academic year provided valuable time for thousands of faculty and staff to participate in professional development to continue to provide an engaging, challenging and supportive virtual learning and discovery environment for our students. The value of this professional development takes on even greater significance when one considers that less than seven percent of CSU in-person course offerings from fall 2019 are being delivered in person in fall 2020.

The early decision enabled students and their families to plan appropriately, and I am pleased to note that preliminary fall term enrollment numbers are strong across the system, with a few exceptions. This is quite gratifying, and it will be to the great benefit of our future alumni and the state of California in the years and decades ahead.

So, as I have said before and will say again, I offer my heartfelt thanks to our faculty, staff, students and leadership across the 23 campuses and in the Chancellor's Office for their resilience, engagement, adaptability and unwavering commitment to our relentless pursuit of inclusive excellence.

This powerful demonstration of sheer grit by the CSU community is especially commendable, because it occurred - and continues to occur - as we all adapt to and cope with the many added stressors - health, social, economic - in our daily existence.

I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge those among us who themselves or whose loved ones have been or will be affected directly by this disease. To them, I offer my personal support, understanding and well wishes - along with those of the entire CSU family. And to those who have lost a loved one or friend, I offer heartfelt condolences.

As we turn our attention to 2021, there are practical operational reasons for making a decision now. I will outline just two. First, although we have just begun the fall term on most campuses, academic plans must soon be finalized for the term that begins in January 2021. Starting in a few weeks, campuses publish course offerings for the new year, students make their course selections, and campuses make appropriate adjustments to their course inventories to meet student demand.

A second reason for deciding now is that the CSU accrediting body - WASC - requires each campus to seek authorization for courses offered in the virtual space with online and distance-learning technology. This authorization requirement was waived by the U.S. Department of Education for fall 2020; however, that waiver expires at the end of December and will not be renewed. To meet this requirement, campuses need to commit to their January academic schedules in September and October 2020.

Put another way, there are compelling and compulsory administrative factors that require us to decide now how to best proceed in January 2021.

Another important aspect of the rationale for this decision comes from analyzing the facts about the pandemic itself. We know far more about it now than we did back in May. The virus continues to spread. There is no vaccine and there likely will not be one widely available any time soon. The summer increase in infections that was forecast in the spring happened as predicted, and it was larger than expected. While cases and hospitalizations are starting to stabilize in most of California's counties, it is plateauing at a number that is approximately 40 percent higher than what we experienced in the spring. A larger wave continues to be forecast for the period between October and December, coupled with seasonal influenza; this will undoubtedly be a daunting challenge for us. (I cannot stress strongly enough that each of us should get a flu shot soon, certainly before the end of October.) A subsequent wave of COVID-19 cases in or about March 2021 is also still projected.

Testing infrastructure is still a work in progress in California and at the CSU, and testing remains very expensive to conduct repeatedly and meaningfully with rapid results - both of which are necessary to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. The governor has announced that California recently contracted with a third party to increase testing capacity. That program is anticipated to begin in November, but will not be at capacity until March 2021.

And there remain some seasonal dark clouds that could hamper or delay control of the pandemic. During the recent Labor Day weekend, there was widespread socialization that, sadly, often did not comport with public health directives. California has entered what has thus far been a horrific fire season, and the number of evacuations that will force people into congregate temporary housing could lead to another COVID-19 spike. And we are testing the willingness of a fatigued populace to continue with physical distancing, hand washing and face coverings for the long term until a vaccine is available and can be administered at scale.

To summarize, the disease continues to spread. While the current mitigation factors do make a difference, in the absence of a vaccine and of sufficient, cost-effective, timely testing and contact-tracing infrastructure, we are not able to return to a normal, principally in-person schedule in January 2021. And there are seasonal factors that threaten to accelerate the disease's progression, rather than slow it.

The combination of these compelling administrative factors - the need to publicize course offerings and enroll students now, and the required authorization process with our accrediting body - together with the state of COVID-19 prevalence, the absence of a vaccine, and an insufficient testing and contact-tracing infrastructure, lead us to the regrettable but necessary decision that the academic term that begins in January 2021 will be primarily virtual, similar to that of fall 2020.

Also like the fall term, there will be variability across campuses depending on their unique and particular circumstances. In some cases, it may be possible to slightly increase the amount of in-person instruction that we are doing currently, because we are learning to do it effectively and safely. In other cases, there may be fewer in-person opportunities.

A subsequent communication will come to campus presidents from the Chancellor's Office outlining a streamlined path forward. Our plans will comply with all state, federal and local public health directives.

We have learned from experience that announcing this decision now will allow faculty and staff to continue or start professional development to be even more effective in the virtual space. We also know that deciding now will allow our students and their families time to plan appropriately.

This decision is the only responsible one available to us at this time. And it is the only one that supports our twin North Stars of safeguarding the health, safety and well-being of our faculty, staff, students and communities, as well as enabling degree progression for the largest number of students.

Importantly and joyously, in the months ahead, campuses will be formulating plans for their commencement celebrations, and will be communicating those plans with graduating students in a timely manner.

Let me close by again thanking you and acknowledging that our resilience is being tested. But I see evidence every day that we are more than up to the challenges, now and in the journey ahead. And I see evidence that we are courageously doing the right thing - for the moment and for the short- and long-term future of our beloved university. Indeed, we have shown courage to do the right thing - even when it is unpopular.

Please continue to take good care, be safe and stay well.


Timothy P. White

Read the PDF version of the September 10 statement [PDF].

August 12, 2020: COVID-19 Response & Safety Plan

To: Campus Community
From: Deborah Wallace

Dear Toro Nation,

In early March, the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) was activated and has been operating in a virtual environment to ensure a coordinated campus response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Its mission is to implement policies and procedures as a result of the emergency, secure resources, and to streamline communication. Since its inception, this team has met on a daily basis to maintain a safe and healthy campus environment. The EOC is also responsible for applying local, county, and state public health orders and for ensuring that critical business functions can continue. The Executive Policy group, which comprises the president and cabinet, provides guidance and establishes the directives of the EOC.

Campus COVID-19 Response & Safety Plan

The EOC will continue to manage the campus response to the COVID-19 emergency moving into the fall semester. As part of that charge, the EOC has developed a Campus COVID-19 Response & Safety Plan [PDF] that outlines the measures implemented by the university. In accordance with the California Department of Public Health guidance, we must make the plan accessible to all employees.

Components of the plan includes:

  • Return to Campus Processes
  • Physical Distancing
  • Face Coverings Requirements
  • Increased Sanitization & Hygiene
  • Education & Behavioral Signage
  • COVID-19 Case Management
  • Campus Services & Programs

Please keep in mind that as local, county, and state guidance continues to evolve, so too will campus plans and response efforts.

A companion series of web pages also has been developed to share the plan and provide one location where students, faculty, and staff can go to find information pertaining to the fall 2020 semester. Please visit In the coming days and weeks, we will begin to migrate information that is currently on the page to /together. Until then, both pages are good resources for the campus response to the COVID-19 crisis.

Campus Response

The EOC has also expanded to include six new Toro Teams. Each area has a designated chair, which reports to the EOC manager, Nora Garcia, to ensure collaboration among all teams. The teams and a few components of each include:

  • Centralized Access/Physical Infrastructure - Chair: Larry Kimaara, Interim Director, Risk Management
    • Reevaluate return to campus phases, as necessary
    • Conduct building assessments/redesign classroom instructional and work spaces
    • Address HVAC/water concerns through effective communication
  • Health Monitoring & Surveillance - Chair: Michael Williams, Manager, Environmental Health & Safety
    • Establish comprehensive Contact Investigation Teams/system
    • Coordinate with local health authority to ensure compliance
    • Establish internal thresholds for reclosure of areas
  • Learning & Instruction - Chair: Ken O'Donnell, Vice Provost, Academic Affairs
    • Reimagine the learning and instruction environment
    • Adapt student and faculty coordination to set the stage for a culture of health and safety
    • Establish best practices and identify resources for faculty/students
  • Employee Success & Wellness - Chair: Shaun Milton, Manager, HR Workers Compensation
    • Optimize faculty and staff ability to work remotely through necessary equipment and skills training
    • Evaluate ergonomic needs and offer solutions
    • Develop guidance to MPPs on COVID-19 staffing related issues and cases
  • Communication - Chair: Amy Bentley-Smith, Director, Marketing & Communications
    • Engage stakeholders with consistent, compelling, and timely communication through various platforms
    • Collaborate and support other Toro Teams to ensure proper messaging
    • Develop a COVID-19 education campaign
  • Campus Resiliency - Chair: Sara Hariri, Information Security Officer, Information Technology
    • Enhance and update business continuity plans for each division
    • Plan and implement building evacuations following social distancing protocols
    • Identify other risk factors and planning needs

If you have any questions, please reach out to the respective chair for each team. You may also email with any general inquiries.

As we continue to navigate this emergency together, ensuring coordinated responses and consistent planning and messaging is essential. The EOC and Toro Teams are working diligently to make this a reality, and to successfully emerge from this crisis, we all must do our part. The Communication Team will be releasing regular updates on the campus' COVID-19 response, and we encourage every member of the campus community to read and refer to these throughout the semester.

In the end, we are confident that the Toro Nation will bounce back from this tragic crisis stronger and more united than ever.

Be safe and stay healthy,

Deborah Wallace
Vice President, Administration & Finance/Chief Financial Officer

July 29, 2020: Employee Temporary Return to Campus and Required COVID-19 Training

To: Campus Community
From: Deborah Wallace

Dear Toro Community,

As COVID-19 continues to make an impact across the nation, the health and safety of the CSUDH campus community remains our top priority. Therefore, all returns to campus must be approved in advance to ensure that appropriate procedures are in place upon arrival and that individuals who are on campus understand and comply with the governmental public health and campus mandatory safety protocols for COVID-19, including wearing face coverings, while visiting.

Employees that need to return to campus for a temporary activity, i.e., single-day return only or to pick up telecommuting equipment; no scheduled workdays or permanent return to work of any type, must complete and submit the Campus Return Authorization Form [PDF] to be sent to the employee's supervisor email. The supervisor will then submit the form to the following email: The employee will receive an e-mail from that account scheduling them for a date and time to return to campus, if approved or request additional information. This form should not be used for Fall 2020 face-to-face instruction or permanent return to work requests. A process for permanent returns is being developed and will be announced at a later time. Permanent return approvals will be on a very limited basis.

Additionally the university is requiring that all employees complete COVID-19 safety awareness training prior to any return to campus. This COVID-19 training was created in collaboration with other CSU campuses and the Chancellor's Office and covers general awareness of the virus, how it is spread, symptoms, prevention practices, exposure assessment, and what to do if you are sick or are infected.

In the coming days, you will receive an email from the CSULearn training application, with a link to the training. All employees must complete this 20-minute training immediately, but no later than 2 weeks after receiving an email from CSULearn. If you do not have access to a computer, please contact your supervisor for assistance.

Be safe,

Deborah Wallace
Vice President, Administration & Finance/Chief Financial Officer

July 21, 2020: COVID-19 Update - Following Health Protocols

To: Campus Community
From: President Parham

Campus community,

The recent setback in California's reopening plan due to rising incidence, prevalence, and, most tragically, mortality rates for COVID-19 is a stark reminder that this pandemic is far from over and that we must remain vigilant and utilize the best defenses we have at this time to reduce its spread. With that in mind, I want to remind the Toro community that this university strictly adheres to all public health guidelines to mitigate potential risks and ensure the safety of students, faculty, and staff. My expectation now and until further notice is maximum compliance with these guidelines, in particular as they pertain to face coverings and physical distancing.

Throughout this pandemic, the CSUDH campus has remained open, even though nearly all operations are being conducted virtually and remotely. In a limited capacity, personnel have continued to work onsite to perform essential campus functions, and individuals have continued to have access to our outside spaces.

When the fall semester starts next month, we anticipate the number of people on campus will increase slightly to accommodate the in-person classes that have been approved for exceptions to virtual instruction. Expanding our campus population even by this minimal amount will increase the risk of COVID-19 exposure to our students, faculty, staff, and guests navigating these spaces together. Consequently, I want to reinforce the following:

  • Face coverings are required at all times on campus.
  • Individuals should maintain a minimum 6-foot physical distance from others.
  • Wash hands thoroughly and regularly.
  • Stay home if you are sick or exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms.

I am disheartened that these simple but effective practices, which are meant to help stop COVID-19 infections in the absence of a vaccine, are being politicized. While I will never waver in my defense of personal freedom, I believe that "freedom" does not mean "doing as I please at all times." Just as society expects and requires adherence to traffic laws, or doesn't allow people to yell "Fire!" in a crowded auditorium, there are times when unfettered freedom must be slightly tempered in the name of the public's welfare. Disregarding directives for face coverings or physical distancing unnecessarily raises the health risks to the entire community. I encourage and insist that we all consider the greater good during this time. The more we do so, the sooner we can all come together again.

As always, be safe and be well,

Thomas A. Parham, PhD

July 21, 2020: CSUDH Budget Update

To: Campus Community
From: President Parham

Campus community,

For the past several months, members of my Cabinet and I have been engaged in intense planning and modeling regarding CSUDH's financial situation, in preparation for pending budget reductions from the state and California State University Chancellor's Office. The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a serious toll on state revenues, and the California budget shortfall that the state finds itself dealing with now is estimated to be $54 billion, which includes a $299.1 million reduction to the CSU system. Added to this challenge is the necessity to continue adapting to the COVID-19 crisis by preparing our campus to go principally virtual in the fall. These adaptations require major infusions of financial resources to properly protect health and safety, purchase scores of technology devices, provide training, meet our debt obligations from new and deferred maintenance capital projects across the campus, and manage the losses from the 2019-20 fiscal year and those losses anticipated for 2020-21 due to unrealized income. Remember that auxiliary services are closed due to COVID-19 and unable to generate revenues.

Given my belief that "ideas are the substance of behaviors," our deliberations and modeling were guided by a set of assumptions that serve as core values for our campus. These included protecting the health and safety of the campus community at all costs; maintaining the integrity of the academic enterprise; attending to essential support services and co-curricular learning opportunities; prioritizing the prudent use of available resources, hoping to minimize and/or eliminate the possibility of layoffs or furloughs for staff and faculty (although those possibilities have been a definite consideration); and being cognizant of the fact that as we distinguish between one-time and recurring cuts, this budget crisis will likely continue for three years. This latter reality will require us to proportion our minimal reserves to stretch across multiple years.

Much of that early work, as painstaking as it was and is, has been done in a climate of ambiguity given the lack of clarity regarding actual budget reduction targets, and the available resources we had as a campus to mitigate the pain caused by whatever cuts we would receive. I also need to remind folks that despite rumors to the contrary, the state and the Chancellor's Office are not flush with unrestricted monies or reserves that can simply sweep this fiscal crisis away, nor are we. This pain is real, and demands a comprehensive plan that considers any and all measures to help us address this fiscal crisis.

Well, the haze on those scenarios has begun to clear, and the end of the fiscal year has revealed how various divisions of our university are positioned at year-end to absorb necessary cuts. Our reduction number is now more crystallized; our enrollments have begun to solidify across new freshman, transfer, graduate student, and continuing student cohorts, and the strategies that can be deployed to assist each campus in meeting its reduction targets and debt obligations have been clarified.

Yesterday, Chancellor Timothy P. White announced that furloughs are off the table for this year, and that the system and campuses will rely on reserves and other reductions to manage budget cuts resulting from the COVID-19 economic crisis. While the news may provide relief on a personal level for our employees, I must balance that news with a serious word of caution about what this announcement means for CSUDH, and a few other campuses within the CSU system.

Without the possibility of across-the-board furloughs as an arrow in our budgetary quiver, CSUDH must make difficult decisions on cuts to personnel, programs, and services that are vital to our students. Simply put, CSUDH faces a $7.5 million, or 4+% base budget reduction this year in our campus operating budget, and likely for the next three years. Additionally, we face approximately $1.1 million in unfunded mandates due to increases in benefits and other items. While 4% may seem small, for a campus of our size, with very limited reserves and already human- and budget-resource constrained, these cuts and unfunded mandates will be deeply felt.

The Cabinet has been hard at work over the past several months exploring scenarios that modeled 3%, 5%, 8%, 10%, 15%, and 20% cuts. We have suspended travel and looked for savings in various cost centers that will carry forward into the 2020-21 fiscal year. We have examined reserves that are restricted, encumbered, and unrestricted, and calculated what proportions of those resources can be employed over the next three years to address the budget shortfall, as well as modeled expenses that may be eligible for reimbursement from CARES Act funding. We also looked at all open positions, created a "stoplight" chart, and in consultation with departmental managers and directors, created models that would eliminate some vacant positions (red), pause filling some vacant positions until more information became known (yellow), and move forward with filling those vacant positions deemed essential for the management and elevation of the campus and its mission (green).

While we look forward to sharing those models with you in an upcoming budget webinar, and through the consultation process we plan on engaging in with key stakeholders, I question whether those actions alone will be enough to mitigate the full measure of cuts. Consequently, we are now having to consider the elimination of some positions that are currently filled by personnel in every classification, which unfortunately mean a high probability of layoffs. Unquestionably, this is the most painful and agonizing part of our role as executive leadership. However, I can promise you that we will do our best to adhere to the principles outlined above and manage our affairs with integrity and our best intentions.

This is the moment I've talked about these past several months, where crisis reveals character, crisis exposes weakness in an organization or entity, and crisis presents opportunity. Let us use this moment in time to better understand our unique circumstance as a campus, and to move past simple "recovery" to a transformative reset, bolstered by the recognition that we are all in this together and want the best for our beloved CSU Dominguez Hills. We are all confronting a new normal and that demands that we exercise more innovation in the way we choose to address this budget crisis. Ever the optimist, I know we will get through this together.


Thomas A. Parham, PhD

July 10, 2020: Summer at CSUDH: Welcome new students and future planning

To: Campus Community
From: President Parham

Campus community,

With everything going on in the world today, the summer has been busy for all of us - even from within the confines of our virtual workspaces. With that in mind, I wanted to touch base with everyone and offer updates on a few noteworthy issues concerning the Toro community.

First, despite the uncertainties associated with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. William Franklin, Dr. Deborah Brandon, and the enrollment management team report that enrollment at CSUDH remains strong and stable. Students are still hungry to learn and eager to make their mark on the world. They realize the transformative role that education makes in their lives, and understand that now is not the time to "hit pause" on their education. We anticipate a large and lively cohort of Toros to join us this fall.

On a related note, our virtual New Student Orientations for incoming freshmen and transfer students are going well. By all accounts, our incoming students are as excited as we are that they are becoming members of the Toro family. Their unwavering enthusiasm and dedication should be an inspiration to us all. We will be following up our online NSO sessions with on-campus drive-thru Welcome Bag distribution events in early August, at least one of which I hope to attend in person. More details about this event will be made available as we get closer to the dates, but I can assure you that all precautions are being taken to make sure that the health and safety of everyone involved are protected.

To prepare for the upcoming semester, we have created a series of academic technology workshops for faculty. These workshops started this month and will continue through the summer, helping our educators discover new techniques for everything from creating instructional videos to assessing online learning. CSUDH is committed to ensuring that our faculty has all the tools they need to provide first-in-class learning experiences for our students, and the techniques and approaches covered in the workshops will undoubtedly be a boon for our educators going forward.

Lastly, I would like to comment on budgetary concerns for the upcoming school year. Although we are still not in possession of any final numbers, the economic upheaval surrounding the pandemic is sure to have an impact on the university's budget. I assure every member of the Toro community that my administration is dedicated to successfully managing the budget we are given, and trying to minimize the inevitable pain that results from such a significant cut that we anticipate.

Going forward, there surely will be shared challenges, particularly in a resource-constrained environment. But we will work through them in the same way we tackle every seemingly intractable problem—together as one Toro Nation. Please know that the team and I are working tirelessly to ensure that the budget's impact on students, faculty, and staff is mitigated to the best of our ability, and CSUDH is devoted to continuing its mission even in the face of such difficulties. I will update you further when more information becomes available

Thank you, be well, and stay healthy,

Thomas A. Parham

July 8, 2020: Statement on Policy Changes for International Students

To: Campus Community
From: President Parham

Campus community,

This week, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) notified campuses that international university students will not be allowed to maintain their visa status if they take exclusively online or virtual courses. I am shocked and saddened by the guidance that has been provided and the restrictions that have been put in place.

To create policy that disadvantages our international students is worse than scandalous; it denies them access to higher education opportunities that the U.S. has long been world-renowned for. It also robs our domestic students of an opportunity to engage with their international counterparts in the domains of academic and co-curricular learning experiences. The phrase "give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses that yearn to breathe free" has reached a new low of incongruence when institutions of higher learning are being forced to deny access to international students on the basis of in-person versus virtual/online realities.

The necessity of our campus going to a primarily virtual mode should not be used against innocent young people who are already dealing with unprecedented uncertainty and stress. Thousands of miles away from their families, caught up in events over which they have no control, our international student community has weathered the storm admirably. This capricious ICE decision only serves to add a new, unnecessary layer of anxiety to an already fraught situation.

Under normal circumstances, the requirement that international students take face-to-face courses is a relatively simple directive that we and they can and do readily comply with. However, our move to virtual instruction is not a preference; rather it has been adopted as a strategy to protect the health and safety of the Toro community as a whole given the current health crisis that is far from resolved. To enforce this new ICE policy in the midst of a global pandemic is not only cruel and insensitive, but untenable. We at CSUDH strongly believe that ICE's shortsighted, heavy-handed decision runs counter to both basic human decency and responsible health practices. It also flies in the face of a long-cherished value that promises to create a safe and wholesome learning environment for inquisitive minds in which discovery, knowledge acquisition, innovation, creativity, and critical thinking can take place.

According to the new guidelines, campuses that transition to a 100% online environment cannot retain international students. However, a provision of the directive classifies some institutions as being a hybrid, as they provide both online and face-to-face modes of course delivery. Given that guidance, and our posture of allowing some face-to-face instruction, we are interpreting that to mean we are a hybrid campus. If this new policy is not challenged in the courts, every international student who plans on remaining in the U.S. and attending CSUDH will need to have at least one face-to-face 3-unit course.

Consequently, despite our outrage and our understanding of ICE provisions and guidance, we as a campus, out of an abundance of caution, need to prepare to comply with the directives. From the moment this news came out, our Office of International Education, and this president, have been in direct contact with the Chancellor's Office and working closely with the Academic Affairs Council, associate deans, and faculty to create solutions that work for our students and community. Already, I am encouraged by the untethered voices of outrage and advocacy, and the resolve of everyone on campus to work together to solve this vexing issue.

Please understand that this new guidance forces us to integrate these new changes into a complex algorithm. Our calculations are anchored in our mandate to protect the health and safety of our campus community, while attending to educational needs in the context of physical distancing, cleaning and disinfecting spaces, fiscal realities of increased personnel, and compliance with other public health advisories. Consequently, whatever provisions we can provide to our international students to remain and study at CSUDH and in the country will be developed without any compromise on issues outlined above.

CSUDH stands with our international students, and we are working diligently to find and implement workable solutions that will meet the new criteria for maintaining student visas. We are aware that opposition to this new policy is already taking shape, and CSUDH, in consultation with the Chancellor's Office, is meeting to consider a range of next steps.

I will continue to keep our campus community informed as this situation develops.


Thomas A. Parham

July 6, 2020: Initial Message Regarding Student Exchange & Visitor Program Announcement

To: International Students
From: International Student Services

Dear International Student,

As you may be aware, the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) released new guidance pertaining to enrollment for Fall 2020. The new guidance affects universities and institutions whom are continuing the online mode of instruction into the Fall 2020 term. This new guidance was released today.

We understand that this may cause confusion and stress amongst us. Our office is working with campus leadership and CSU to create a plan with minimal impact on our international student population. I will have an update for you very soon.

For now, please rely on communication sent by the International Office. We appreciate your patience and understanding. Please feel free to contact me for any questions you may have about this issue.

Anessa Escobar
International Student Services

June 26, 2020: Chancellor Approves Fall 2020 Exceptions to Virtual Learning

To: Campus Community
From: Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D., President

Campus Community:

Throughout the past four months, the steadfastness of the CSUDH family has been on full display as everyone has stepped up to ensure our campus' mission to educate and uplift our communities continues unabated. That determination will continue to be our priority moving into another unprecedented semester.

As you know, Chancellor Timothy White, in consultation with university presidents and key stakeholders, announced in mid-May that CSU campuses would be primarily virtual for the fall 2020 semester, both to reduce the risk of COVID-19 exposure and protect health and safety of students, faculty, and staff. Limited exceptions for face-to-face instruction and services that could not be performed virtually were to be submitted to each president for sign-off, and then forwarded for approval to the Chancellor on a case-by-case basis.

I am pleased to announce that we have received approval from the Chancellor's Office on our request for those exceptions. The approved plan calls for 96 percent of instruction in fall to be conducted virtually. Of the four percent of instruction that has been identified for face-to-face, the majority are for clinical placements in our health and education programs. We anticipate that the face-to-face classes that will take place on campus will only result in approximately 200 students and fewer than 12 faculty at the university on a given day.

The Chancellor's Office further required campuses to request exceptions for student housing, dining, and athletics, if any were required. Our plan, as approved, will allow for up to 168 students to live in existing apartment-style University Housing (15 percent occupancy). With our reduced on-campus population in the fall, we do not plan to open dining services. Lastly, CSUDH athletics will not compete in fall 2020, in alignment with the CCAA President's Council decision to suspend competition, practice, training, and travel until further notice.

I want to thank everyone who participated in this process, particularly the Fall 2020 Recovery Planning Committee, led by Associate Vice President of Faculty Affairs Cheryl Koos and Associate Vice President of Student Success Dang Chonwerawong, and the plan's writing team, Associate Vice Provost Ken O'Donnell, Associate Vice President of Enrollment Management Deborah Brandon, Associate Vice President of IT Finance and Auxiliaries Marci Payne, Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations Arleen Chikami, and Chief of Staff Deborah Roberson. The broad consultation that occurred resulted in a plan that considers the needs of every member of the campus community in its recommendations. Their meticulous hard work and dedication ensures that CSUDH will continue to deliver first-class instruction and services, while protecting the health and safety of everyone who works or studies here.

Now that we have this course exceptions proposal approved, it is time to continue our work and consultation on our staffing plan to repopulate the university, and our plans to manage the budget reductions that the state will be imposing on the CSU. As those plans become more crystallized, the cabinet and I will keep you informed.

I have said from the beginning of the pandemic that the university's priority at all times has been and will remain: the health and safety of our campus community. This week's news of spikes in COVID-19 cases across the country, particularly among young adults, is worrisome, and provides a clear example of why we all need greater degrees of compliance with public health recommendations for physical distancing, wearing masks, and washing/sanitizing hands. Therefore, CSUDH will continue its strict physical distancing and virtual learning policies through fall 2020.

Additional details will be provided as they become available. Students and faculty with questions about their classes should contact their department heads.


Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D.

Read the CSUDH Fall Planning document here [PDF].

June 26, 2020: COVID-19 Timely Warning

To: Campus Community
From: Carlos Velez, Chief of Police

Dear Campus Community,

The purpose of this notice is to inform the campus community regarding crimes and incidents that have come to the attention of the University. While these notices are primarily an attempt to increase health and safety awareness, they also serve to dispel myths/rumors regarding campus incidents or crimes. Timely Warnings may be distributed to campus offices, residence halls, libraries, off-campus locations, and through the internet. Timely Warning Notices are maintained for a period of one year.

The university has been informed of two new COVID-19 positive tests among members of our campus community. This timely warning notice is being sent because both individuals were recently on campus.

A second student from University Housing has tested positive. This person was the individual previously identified as having come in close contact to the student who tested positive earlier this week. They began self-quarantining off-campus as soon as they learned of possible exposure and did not come in contact with any other individuals on campus.

The other case involves a university employee who had been on campus three non-consecutive days during the past two weeks. During the time they were at work, they followed public health guidelines related to face and hand coverings and physical distancing. They were not deemed to have been in close contact, as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,

For COVID-19 cases that are brought to the university's attention, the university follows the recommended public health guidelines to ensure the continued health and safety of the campus community.

As a reminder, individuals who exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 are encouraged to self-quarantine and seek medical advice. Information about COVID-19 and preventative resources are available at

Note: Due to privacy issues, personal information about the individuals will remain confidential, and we would ask all community members to respect the individual's privacy and avoid speculation and rumor as to their identity.

This Notice is in compliance with 20 U.S.C. Section 1092(f), the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).

Carlos Velez
Chief of Police

June 24, 2020: COVID-19 Update

To: Campus Community
From: Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D., President

Campus Community,

I write to inform the campus community that a student living in University Housing has tested positive for COVID-19. I know you join me in wishing this individual a full recovery.

The student attended a gathering off campus last week and began exhibiting symptoms consistent with COVID-19 over the weekend. The student informed the campus of the potential exposure on Monday, June 22, and of their positive test result today, Wednesday, June 24. The student is isolating according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines. The student came in contact with only one other student, and that individual is self-quarantining. No University Housing staff or other students were exposed.

In consultation with medical experts and public health officials, the university is taking the necessary steps to ensure the health and safety of our housing population now and in the future.

As the region is experiencing an increase in cases, I encourage the campus community to continue following the recommended preventative strategies to reduce the risk of infection, such as physical distancing, wearing face coverings, and practicing good hygiene. Most importantly, I urge everyone to pay attention to their health. Individuals who exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 are encouraged to self-quarantine and seek medical advice. We have placed information about COVID-19 and preventative resources on Please, refer to those resources.

Be safe and healthy,

Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D.


Note: Due to privacy issues, we are not releasing the student's name or gender, and we would ask all community members to respect the individual's privacy and avoid speculation and rumor as to their identity.

June 18, 2020: Fall 2020 Exceptions to Virtual Activities

May 20, 2020: Virtual Town Hall for Fall 2020 Planning

May 13, 2020: Planning for Fall 2020 and Beyond

To: Campus Community
From: Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D., President

Planning for Fall 2020 has been and continues to be a topic of conversation and intentional, methodical proceedings. During the past two months or more, the CSUDH Executive Policy Group (EPG) has sought the opinions and perspectives of the Chancellor's Office, public health and medical officials, local and state government agencies, Academic Affairs Council, Academic Senate, Department Chairs, union representatives, Student Affairs Leadership Team, ASI Leadership, current and incoming students, staff, and our Fall 2020 Recovery Planning Committee.

Based on that broad consultation, we are moving forward with our planning, while simultaneously aligning our final decisions with the CSU system, and the latest information the Chancellor revealed indicating that the fall semester 2020 will be conducted virtually. These same stakeholders listed above will inform our coordinated efforts to launch CSUDH's plans for this coming fall semester 2020 and beyond. This document represents the best of our thinking as of mid-May 2020. As we move forward, please know that we maintain our unwavering commitment to student success and academic excellence.


The plans for Fall 2020 at CSUDH will proceed with several thoughts and assumptions in mind.

These include:

1. The need to protect the health and safety of our campus community, as best we can, will remain paramount in our approaches. Incidence and prevalence data of COVID-19 cases, the mortality rates that disproportionately impact Black and Brown people, as well as aged communities, the availability of testing and tracing equipment and personnel, the ability to acquire sufficient PPE equipment, our capacity to maintain a clean, sanitized, and disinfected environment on campus, and other factors will help inform our thinking and final decisions.

2. Government entities and public health advisories have produced guidelines that will be employed in relaxing and eventually removing restrictions to engage in more face-to- face instruction, co-curricular learning, and service delivery. We will reference California's Roadmap to Modify the Stay-at-Home Order, and the Chancellor's Office Guidance on May 12, 2020, as the primary frameworks to navigate the eventual re- population of campus activities, to restore the ability of this institution of higher education to engage in limited face-to-face instruction. It is our belief and commitment that the following California's 6 Indicators for Modifying the Stay-at-Home Order will be applied to that end:

a. The ability to monitor and protect our communities through testing, contact tracing, isolating, and supporting those who are positive or exposed.
b. The ability to prevent infection in people who are at risk for more severe COVID-19.
c. The ability of the hospital and health systems to handle surges.
d. The ability to develop therapeutics to meet the demand.
e. The ability for businesses, schools, and childcare facilities to support physical distancing.
f. The ability to determine when to reinstitute certain measures, such as the stay-at-home orders, if necessary.

3. The capacity for the campus to move fully online is challenging at best, given the financial and human resource constraints we operate under on the Dominguez Hills campus. It is currently not feasible to expect that all instruction at CSUDH can be delivered using an online instructional delivery system; instead, we will continue to provide alternative instruction (involving a continuum of online, virtual, synchronous, and asynchronous educational approaches) until restrictions are relaxed or ultimately removed. This observation, however, is coupled with the recognition that implementation of any element of face-to-face engagement on campus--be they labs, simulators, research, studio arts, or musical performance--will be guided by the following criteria:

a. There will be very limited exceptions granted for face-to-face engagement.
b. There must be a compelling academic reason for doing so, demonstrating that there is no alternative option to achieve the learning outcomes or degree requirements in that course.
c. All requests for limited exceptions will be considered after broad consultation (like that described above), must have the concurrence of local public health and other regulatory officials, and must have the approval of the President and Chancellor's Office.
d. The availability of on-campus housing will be severely limited and require meeting rigorous thresholds for physical distancing.

4. Despite significant advances here at CSUDH, technological operations for and infrastructure capability of this campus have yet to be fully realized.

a. Many faculty have become increasingly technology-savvy (even over the course of the past several weeks); however, a significant group of our colleagues requires some degree of up-skilling to meet the demands of a virtual and partially online university. Thus, CSUDH will engage in several professional development activities for faculty during the summer of 2020 so that faculty are poised and prepared to meet the demands of a virtual environment effectively.
b. Similarly, we have many Student Affairs professionals and staff across all divisions, who deliver co-curricular programs and services. While many have also adapted well to our quick transition to the virtual world, they will also need a great deal of professional development to ensure they are providing optimal advising, mentoring, tutoring, programming, mental & physical health services, other co-curricular support initiatives, and administrative staff assistance.
c. The digital divide is quite pronounced among our student body and staff personnel. Consequently, these groups will also require a significant investment of technology equipment and personnel that are available to the broader campus community for loans and consultation, respectively.
d. The demographic composition of our student body, with significant numbers of high URMs, high PELL eligible, high first-generation, and high numbers in need of developmental courses requires more of a high touch/ high feel environment that addresses their needs for increased levels of faculty and staff engagement. We are committed to providing such, so that the more latent needs of our students can be addressed.


Given these factors, and after interrogating a dozen or more proposed operational systems for repopulating campuses nationally, the thinking of the CSU Dominguez Hills Executive Policy Group has moved to settle on a single model for the immediate future, even as the Fall 2020 Recovery Planning Committee will continue its gathering of input and summary of recommendations for campus operations moving forward. Following consultation, Chancellor White's message, understanding of government and health advisories, and our campus capacity to meet specific criteria, and obligations necessary to engage the academic enterprise amid this health crisis, we are announcing the following:

1. The vast majority of academic instruction will continue to function in a virtual, online, and telecommuting reality for the immediate and short-term future through December of 2020.

2. CSUDH will remain open; however, most campus buildings and facilities have been and will remain closed and locked until such time it is absolutely safe for repopulating these spaces. Campus visits will be limited, and should only be considered after guidance by an appropriate administrator.

3. All co-curricular activity, including student services, events including campus orientations, convocations, club meetings, guest speaker lectures, etc. will also be held virtually, or postponed until health and safety concerns can be significantly lowered and/or eliminated.

4. As the university transitions to digital hub operations, employees are expected to be fully engaged in providing these digital services, particularly when they are rendered in a virtual environment. Therefore, the university's business operations will, by necessity, be reengineered to address emergent needs and the manner in which ongoing services will be provided, including enhanced customer service.

5. The athletic season of in-person practice, training, travel, and competition of CCAA team sports, including dance and cheerleading activities, will be canceled until further notice. Conversations are underway between Athletics administration, coaches, and the Vice President Student Affairs on how best to support our student athletes, dance team, and cheer squad. However, to the best of our ability, it is our intention to support student- athletes recruited to the campus, with an expectation, in consultation with their head coach, that they will be part of a team.

6. Consideration of full restoration of the campus to face-to-face operations beginning January 2021, or sometime thereafter, will be informed by consultation with all stakeholders, the best medical and scientific data available at the time, and only if the campus can meet the strict thresholds outlined above. Otherwise, the university will continue to operate in a primarily virtual environment.

In announcing this decision, the CSUDH campus is cognizant of and remains vigilant about the economic challenges that currently confront the state, and ultimately the CSU system. It is our hope and expectation however, that whatever budgetary reductions will be imposed on our university do not further erode the campus' capacity to meet its obligations to provide a "first in class" academic and co-curricular learning experience for our CSUDH students.


This announcement about our fall semester in no way dissipates our hope and expectation that freshman and transfer students who have been newly admitted, and continuing students advancing to the next year, will enroll in fall courses and continue to make progress toward their degrees. We are aware that some students are considering information that advises them to delay enrollment or consider a gap year. On the contrary, while the economy is signaling difficulties in the employment market, the time is ripe for accelerating one's academic engagement with the expectation that when the market corrects and jobs become increasingly available, more highly educated and degree attaining individuals will be better prepared to accept those opportunities. Furthermore, the educational progress students are making potentially loses some or much of that momentum if their academics are delayed or halted by semester or year-long disruptions. Consequently, we encourage all students and families to stay the course and enroll in Fall 2020 as planned. Indeed, the social mobility of individuals and their families is exponentially enhanced with the completion of a college and/or advanced degree, and we urge students to stay on course toward degree completion. For our part, we will need to rise to the occasion in this regard, re-recruiting continuing students and wooing new cohorts of learners, while simultaneously gaining their confidence through demonstrating that we can provide high-quality instruction and services students have come to expect of California State University Dominguez Hills.


Continued consultation with academic administrators, faculty, students, union representatives, staff, and others will allow us to better gauge the sentiments of the broader campus community, and determine appropriate adjustments in the days, weeks, and months ahead. Understanding that the 2019-20 academic year is ending, faculty departures for summer break are imminent, and the need to provide sufficient advanced warning to allow them to prepare for the instructional methodology we are committing to in the fall, demands that all receive timely notice of our plan immediately. The extensive list of stakeholders, including currently enrolled and newly admitted students, parents, faculty, and staff, have been awaiting a definitive answer as to campus operations we expect in the fall. We hope this communique provides some clarity as all seek to crystallize their plans going forward.

Together, we will get through this health crisis.

Read the PDF version of the May 13 Memorandum [PDF].

May 8, 2020: COVID-19 Update

To: Campus Community
From: Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D., President

Dear Campus Community,

As we continue to deal with the repercussions of the COVID-19 crisis, I want to provide the community with updates on recent events.


On Tuesday, May 5, we hosted a Virtual Town Hall to discuss the campus response to COVID-19. CSUDH Provost Michael Spagna, Vice President for Student Affairs William Franklin, and I, along with other cabinet members, were joined online by over 1,000 concerned students, administrators, faculty, and staff members. We were heartened by both the thoughtful quality of discourse and the large turnout, and are thankful that so many of you took time out of your busy schedules to connect via Zoom or phone. It was a wonderful display of the Toro Nation at its best, demonstrating our willingness to provide and receive input in order to help us make informed decisions going forward.

The situation we find ourselves in is still very fluid, and much of the meeting, by design, was devoted to seeking input from attendees, and secondarily, to answering questions. The town hall allowed those of us in senior administration, and all tuning in, to hear the concerns of our students, faculty, and staff regarding returning to campus, alternative instruction, the digital divide, and other issues of practical importance. It is clear that there are a lot of questions swirling around out there, and we are committed to addressing them in as transparent a manner as possible.

The comments, suggestions, and concerns that were expressed at the town hall are sure to help the Fall 2020 Recovery Planning Committee, chaired by Associate Vice President of Faculty Affairs and Development Cheryl Koos, and Associate Vice President of Student Success Ruttanatip (Dang) Chonwerawong, as they outline a recommended framework for fall 2020 instruction and delivery of necessary services.

For those who missed it or wish to review what was said, the town hall was recorded and can be viewed online.

As we wrestle with decisions involving face-to-face versus alternate instruction, and service delivery methods, it is vital that we continue to hear from all those who will be affected by our decisions. Because so many expressed a desire to be heard, we have scheduled a second virtual town hall for May 20, which I encourage you all to attend. Details will be forthcoming.


I also wanted to update you on a federal program that has been created to help mitigate the financial impact on universities and their students.

The recently passed Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act includes funds to provide financial assistance to universities and eligible students affected by the crisis, which will help in relieving some of the burdens on those most in need. CSUDH is due to receive $18.4 million to offset university expenses related to COVID-19, of which half must go to provide direct aid to students. The first $9.2 million has been awarded by the federal government and will go directly into the hands of our eligible students. We are also working hard to develop alternate forms of funding that can address the needs of those students deemed ineligible by federal government criteria, so that as many students as possible can receive some support to help mitigate the effects of this health crisis. The second allocation has yet to be released by the government, and we are chronicling the impact and losses CSUDH has sustained as a result of the COVID-19 situation we currently confront.

The university worked diligently to develop a model for distributing the first installment of these funds, based on our desire to help all students, while attending to those most in need. I would particularly like to thank Vice Presidents Deborah Wallace and William Franklin, and their teams, for the many hours they have put in to ensure that this distribution would be both equitable and timely.

Yesterday, Vice President Franklin sent an email to our Toro students outlining eligibility and disbursement details. In addition, information has been posted to the page in a separate CARES Act section.


I would also like to take a moment to congratulate the Toro Class of 2020. Your perseverance and unity throughout the upheaval of your final semester have been an inspiration to us all. Although circumstances have rendered us unable to hold a traditional commencement ceremony to honor your achievements, we will be conducting a virtual celebration next week on CSUDH's Instagram feed (@csudominguezhills), the CSHDHtv YouTube channel, and other social media platforms.

I encourage everyone in our campus community to join us for these virtual festivities, and once again demonstrate the togetherness and pride that exemplify Toro Nation at its best.

Congratulations to our new graduates; your strength and skills will be vital as we emerge from this crisis.


Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D.


May 7, 2020: CARES Act FAQ

To: Students
From: CSUDH Administration

Dear Campus Community,

The COVID-19 crisis has affected not only the health and safety of our nation, but also placed a financial strain on it as well. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act passed by Congress in March has sought to protect the financial welfare of the American people and our economy.

A provision of the CARES Act, the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) specifically provides money to universities to assist with COVID-19-related expense and give direct aid to students most in need during this difficult time. CSUDH received approximately $18.4 million of emergency stimulus funds through HEERF, of which half, or $9.2 million, is to go to students.

Working with campus administration, the CSUDH Financial Aid Office carefully reviewed all eligible students in accordance with the guidelines established by the CARES Act. A tiered funding model was created that attends to our most needy students while ensuring some level of relief for everyone. The university also has set aside $232,000, the remaining HEERF balance, to provide supplemental grants to students through an application process.

Recognizing that the CARES Act excludes undocumented and international students from eligibility, CSUDH has identified separate, non-federal dollars to support those students during this time.

Disbursement of HEERF to eligible students will begin the week of May 11, and may take up to two weeks. Students can check their status by logging into their Student Center portal.

For more information about the CARES Act emergency relief fund for students, including how much CSUDH students can expect to receive, please visit the CARES Act section that has been added to the page.

Our hope is that these emergency funds will help our Toro students continue their progress toward earning degrees.

May 5, 2020: Virtual Town Hall for Fall 2020 Planning

April 28, 2020: A Message from the CSU Chancellor

To: CSU Employees
From: Timothy P. White, CSU Chancellor

Dear CSU employees,

I write today with hope, with thanks, and with some thoughts about the pathway ahead.

First, I hope that you and the ones you love and care for are navigating this moment of great disruption and risk as well as possible. I trust you and yours are managing to maintain good spirits – despite all the life changes and associated hardships – and staying out of harm's way.

Second, I thank you. I am grateful for you and the work you do for the CSU, and thus for our students and the state of California's present and future. Despite the exhausting pace of the past two months, we have engaged in an inspired, university-wide effort to pivot to our new reality – which is not yet close to our next new normal.

The pivot was designed to help our students not only to maintain their progress to degree completion, but to thrive in their academic programs, with the richest and safest possible college experience we can provide during these unprecedented times.

I couldn't be prouder or more grateful to you - our faculty, staff, and campus and university leaders - for your brilliant and selfless efforts to date and to come, and for the hard work you've put forth for the success of our students.

I am also proud of our students and their remarkable capacity to adapt to change. Our students have been the ones to feel most acutely the very real challenges of this moment as they press forward in pursuit of their dreams and the fulfillment of their human potential.

We shall never lose sight of this: our students are our raison d'etre. We are blessed with 480,000 of them – determined, resilient and brave, yet worried and apprehensive of all that is to come with the university and with their lives. And, yes, saddened – particularly those whose dreams of celebrating with family and friends at commencement have been put on hold, and whose job prospects have temporarily dimmed.

This pandemic is of historic proportions and will change forever the way of life for us and our beloved university. We know the road before us remains a long and challenging one. And when we finally pass through the crisis aspects of this pandemic - which promise sadly to linger for quite a while - our responsibility will then be to reestablish safe and vibrant places for learning, creativity and discovery.

We will be able to refine and incorporate many of the new, efficient and effective practices in both our academic and business operations - innovations enabled by ingenuity, technology, need, courage, optimism, patience and brilliance - and toss aside the ones that didn't work as well.

We are guided and buoyed during this moment by our steadfast commitment to ensuring the health and safety of our students, faculty and staff, coupled with our core values of student achievement and success - indeed, inclusive excellence. I am inspired by the care, compassion, community and common sense that is imbedded within the DNA of the CSU.

Working together, we will co-create solutions to the challenges - known and emerging, big and small - that confront the university. I am heartened and glad that we continue this journey together.

I suspect you may wonder what this journey might look like over the next several months.

With our eyes wide open, we have leaned in to a unique planning moment – one in which we must plan for a large range of possible scenarios for the next academic year, each with multiple moving parts that today are not fully known:

• What will the course of the pandemic be?

• What governmental and public health requirements will be in place in the summer and fall regarding gathering size (e.g., number of students in classrooms, studios, labs, residence halls or at athletic events), physical distancing or personal protective equipment?

• Will restrictions vary across the regions of our state, with different impacts on our campuses?

• Will instruction be fully virtual, face to face, or a blended or hybrid model?

• Will we gain or lose student enrollment – on a given campus or across the system?

• What will our costs and revenues be next year?

Said plainly – for both the state of California and for the California State University – revenues are down and costs are up, and we believe the situation will only worsen in the fiscal year ahead. Thankfully, we have reserves to help offset some of our one-time expenses. But belt tightening remains inevitable.

Campuses and the Chancellor's Office have been discussing a wide range of possible scenarios for a re- imagined, thriving, high-quality university. As the variables and uncertainties noted above become known, we will be ready to act accordingly.

We can't afford to wait until summer to begin planning and training for the fall. Many of these important discussions are already and appropriately happening in open and collegial virtual townhall meetings or in other broad-based, consultative settings. However, our transparency about the emerging issues we're facing has regrettably led some in the media to report "deas under discussion" misleadingly as "decisions already made."

So, in closing, I encourage you to rely on campus and CO leadership's commitment to work together with bargaining unit leadership, academic senates, student leaders and the Board of Trustees as we move from the wide range of possibilities that we need to be prepared for, to actual decisions and implementation. Stay connected to your supervisors, academic chairs, deans, provosts and presidents for accurate and timely information.

Stay safe and well, and, as mentioned above, I am glad that we continue this journey together. Because together we will bridge the whitewater that confronts us today and emerge as a highly regarded and vital building block that will power California's post-COVID-19 economy, society and environment of tomorrow.

Kind regards,

Timothy P. White

Read the PDF version of the April 28 Chancellor's message [PDF].

April 27, 2020: Celebrating the Class of 2020

To: Class of 2020
From: Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D., President

Dear Class of 2020,

Congratulations on reaching this significant milestone in your life. The degree you have earned is a testament to the hard work, commitment, discipline, and perseverance you and your peers have demonstrated. You represent the latest cohort to cross this threshold where your trajectory to greater levels of possibility and potential is significantly enhanced. Please accept my congratulations, and know that I could not be more proud of your accomplishment.

One of the most disappointing side effects of the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak for those of us at CSUDH has been the postponement of 2020 Commencement exercises. These ceremonies were originally scheduled for May 15 and 16 of this year. Commencement is one the most important events on the university calendar. It is an occasion to celebrate all that you have done with family and friends, whether you are a first-generation college graduate reaching that educational landmark, or a graduate student receiving your hard-earned Masters' degree.

It is heartbreaking to think that we won't be able to conduct the official commencement ceremony as scheduled, where validating your academic journey and accomplishments is one of our greatest joys. Rest assured however, that your achievements will not be forgotten or bypassed due to the pandemic. We will find an appropriate way to recognize your achievements at the end of this calendar year or in 2021.

We are committed to holding commencement ceremonies for our Toro graduates, and our Ceremonies and Events staff will be working diligently to reschedule those ceremonies once we are confident that we can do so safely, amid guidance from government officials and public health advisors. Unfortunately, as of this date, we can make no promises about when that will be. Despite that, I am pleased to announce that CSUDH is organizing a recognition week, May 12-16, to virtually celebrate our graduates and their achievements.

We hope that everyone who had originally planned to join you at commencement will be able to attend the rescheduled ceremonies, whenever those occur. I understand that this is a far from an ideal situation, but we are absolutely committed to protecting your health and safety, and that of your family and friends.

More detailed information about CSUDH's rescheduled commencement, and our week of planned recognitions and highlights, will be sent to you as they become available. In the meantime, know that the faculty, staff, senior administration, and I congratulate you and your families, on this consequential achievement.

Read the PDF version of the April 27 Memorandum [PDF].

April 22, 2020: Spring 2020 Grading Modifications

To: Campus Community
From: Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D., President

Dear Campus Community,

Four weeks ago, CSUDH, like other universities across the nation, transitioned to alternative modes of instruction and service delivery in light of the growing COVID-19 health crisis. The entire university has demonstrated patience, understanding, creativity, collaboration, and commitment throughout it all, and you should all be proud of how we have adjusted.

However, as the university administration, we fully recognize that adapting to new ways of teaching and learning can be challenging. We also recognize that the stress and strain caused by this crisis has significantly impacted students' academics, affecting their ability to focus on their studies as they normally would. Our students' academic records should not suffer because of extenuating circumstances beyond their control.

After consultation with Academic Senate, Associated Students, Inc., and with guidance from the Chancellor's Office, CSUDH is modifying its grading policy to include an extended NC (No Credit) option for the spring 2020 semester in the following ways:

  • The NC option will be available for all courses after grades are posted.
    • Undergraduate students who earn a D+ or below letter grade can petition for an NC grade.
    • Graduate and post-baccalaureate students who receive a C- or below can petition for an NC grade.
  • Students will have until June 1 to submit a grade change petition to the registrar.

In addition, modifications have been made to allow the Withdrawal (W) option for courses, suspend the 18-unit withdrawal limit; suspend credit limits to Credit/No Credit (CR/NC); and suspend the use of Incomplete Charged (IC) and Withdrawn Unauthorized (WU); and place a moratorium on changes to academic standing, except for those on academic probation.

Students and faculty with specific questions about the grading options are encouraged to visit the CSUDH University Advisement Center website at to review the policy, find FAQ answers, access the grade petition form, and/or to contact an advisor who will be happy to help you navigate your options.

The modified policy is intended to protect credit letter grades, while providing a level of flexibility to remove a lower grade that may affect a student's GPA. However, the same implications that currently exist with the NC option still apply, and students are strongly encouraged to meet with their academic advisors as soon as possible to discuss those implications and decide on the best course of action. Students in some accredited and credentialing programs must consult with their departments before exercising these grading options. The list of those programs can be found at: under "Programs Requiring Spring 2020 COVID-19 Grading Options Advising."

Please be advised that students should examine all of the implications and consequences of electing to use this option.

Thank you again for your patience and understanding as we continue to deal with the ongoing adjustments and adaptions that the COVID-19 pandemic has instigated.

Read the PDF version of the Spring 2020 Grading Policy [PDF].

April 22, 2020: COVID-19 Update - CSUDH Employee Tests Positive

To: Campus Community
From: Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D., President

Dear Campus Community,

I want to share with the university that an employee has tested positive for COVID-19. The individual is self-quarantining at home and doing much better. I ask that you join me in wishing this member of our campus community a speedy and full recovery.

The individual began experiencing symptoms last week and was diagnosed over the weekend. They last visited campus at the end of March, and according to their doctor, they likely became infected after that time. However, as an extra precaution, we have notified any employees who may have been in the same workspace after the individual's last visit to campus, and our custodial staff have thoroughly cleaned and sanitized the space. Public health officials are aware of this case, and no further actions are needed.

News that one of our own has tested positive for COVID-19 is understandably concerning. However, we should take heart in the fact that they appear to be among the lucky ones. As a reminder, anyone who exhibits symptoms of COVID-19 - fever, coughing, difficulty breathing - is encouraged to seek medical advice.

Be safe and healthy.

Read the PDF version of the April 22 Memorandum [PDF].

April 15, 2020: COVID-19 Update - Social Distancing Guidelines Posting

To: Campus Community
From: Deborah Wallace, Vice President, Administration & Finance/Chief Financial Officer

Dear Campus Community,

On April 10, the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health updated its safer at home order with new social distancing guidelines for businesses and the public, and extended the date of the order through May 15. The update requires that businesses post social distancing guidelines at building entrances, and inform employees of the guidelines. In cooperation with the order, CSUDH will post the attached signage at all entrances to campus buildings. Anyone visiting or working on campus should maintain a safe distance of at least 6 feet from others, use face coverings while in public, and not enter any building if experiencing symptoms such as a cough, fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher or shortness of breath. Non-medical fabric face coverings are advised. Surgical and N95 masks are in short supply and should be reserved for health care workers, emergency responders and medical professionals.

Please visit for more information about this order.


Deborah Wallace
Vice President, Administration & Finance/Chief Financial Officer

Read the PDF version of the April 15 Memorandum [PDF].

April 10, 2020: COVID-19 Update - Expanded Public Health Measures

To: Campus Community
From: Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D., President

Dear Campus Community,

I imagine most of you are like me, waking up each day to the latest news about the COVID-19 pandemic and hoping to read that the curve truly is flattening, and the worst is over. We are not there yet, but I am optimistic that the sacrifices we are making individually and collectively now will bring us to that point of a healthy community sooner than later. Let's keep being vigilant, comply with public health advisories, and find ways to extend a hand to or share resources with those in need.

Until a COVID-19 vaccine is found, public health measures appear to be the best defense against exposure. Last week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention added the recommendation that people wear face coverings while continuing to practice good hygiene and social distancing. Several cities - including Carson and Los Angeles - have turned that recommendation into a requirement this week to slow the virus' spread.

Face Masks Required in Carson

Beginning Monday, Carson will require residents of and visitors to the city to wear a mask or other covering over their nose and mouth while out in public. As CSUDH is located within Carson, staff who continue to work on campus, students living in University Housing, and others who visit campus should be aware of this ordinance when coming to or leaving university property.

I do not anticipate this ordinance will impact current campus operations. In recent weeks, we have been providing face masks to protect employees who continue to clean, maintain, and provide essential customer service on campus that could put them at risk. I do, however, want to ensure that our housing students and staff are protected.

I want to express my gratitude to everyone who has reached out with offers to make cloth masks or provide commercial dust masks for our housing community. This swift response reflects a core Toro value—our commitment to social responsibility—and supplements faculty and student endeavors to create face shields and masks for healthcare workers that we reported on in campus news this week.

Campus Construction Worker

I am saddened to report that a crew member working on our new student housing project was sent home ill this week and tested positive with COVID-19. The construction drywaller and approximately 13 other co-workers he worked closely with are currently self-quarantining. The exposure to campus is considered very low, given the crew worked within the construction site, which is fenced off and isolated from other campus operations. Please join me in wishing everyone on that construction crew well, and the worker a full recovery.

Religious Observances

This adherence to state and local directives and public health advisories does not dampen our desire and compulsion to celebrate religious and cultural rituals this week. Thus, I close with a recognition of the Passover and Easter holidays, which many will be celebrating this weekend, albeit in a very different way than any of us have before.

While the camaraderie and spirit of a communal gathering would certainly be welcome at this time, responsible public health practices make that impossible this year. I hope that your private observances help bring you peace during this stressful time, and encourage everyone to reach out to friends and family by phone, video, or social media to share a kind word or message of hope.

Let me wish all of those who observe, participate in, and celebrate these traditions a very happy holiday.

Read the PDF version of the April 10 Memorandum [PDF].

April 5, 2020: COVID-19 Update - Working Together to Ensure a Successful End of Semester

To: Campus Community
From: Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D., President

Dear Campus Community,

In concluding the most surreal spring break any of us has experienced, I hope that each of you found this time away from academics restorative and that you were able to focus on the health and safety of yourself, your family, and the community.

Tomorrow, we get back to the business of discovery, knowledge acquisition, academic instruction, and learning, and while this new normal will continue to challenge us at times, I am confident in the Toro Nation's resiliency and strength of character. You have already shown your resolve in the can-do way you responded to our transition to alternative instruction and service delivery methods. Working together, we can ensure a successful and productive march toward the end of the semester.

Students, we need you focused and prepared to finish strong. Faculty, we need you to continue to innovate and be creative such that the learning outcomes you outlined for your students in the beginning of the semester can be substantially realized, even in the new reality. Staff, we need you to continue serving our students with the enhanced spirit of support and empathetic understanding that eases the challenges they are confronting amid the myriad of changes they have witnessed. I, in turn, invite all of you to accept my sincere thanks, appreciation, and gratitude for the accommodations you have made to sustain us through a time of profound challenge, as we weather this health crisis storm.

In welcoming you all back from spring break, I would like to remind students that if you have any questions about your classes, contact your professors or academic advisors directly. They continue working, albeit remotely, and are available, in concert with other academic personnel, to help you with any concerns or problems you may experience.

Our campus staff continues to serve you and the campus at large, most of them working from home to keep CSUDH up and running, while following public health advisories. These dedicated Toros are available by phone or online throughout the day and continue to provide essential service. Although circumstances have forced us to change how and where we work, our dedication to supporting student success is unwavering and remains as strong as ever.

Again, I must reiterate how proud I am of both the unity and spirit of cooperation that has prevailed among the Toro Nation, and the patience and understanding you all exercise as we navigate these uncharted waters together. Let's continue to rely on each other.

Best wishes on a successful - and healthy - remainder of your semester.

Read the PDF version of the April 5 Memorandum [PDF].

Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D.

March 31, 2020: COVID-19 Update - Generosity of the Toro Family

To: Campus Community
From: Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D., President

Dear Campus Community,

As we continue to face uncertainty during these difficult times, I am certain about one thing, the generosity of the Toro Family. That generosity has never been more important than right now, as the measures in place to stop the spread of COVID-19 have affected our students and their families in so many way—particularly in lost jobs or reduced wages.

This week, the Office of Annual Giving launched a concerted effort to raise much-needed support for our students. The fundraising effort, centered on the 60th anniversary of CSUDH's founding, asks for donations of at least $60 to the university's emergency grant fund, which gives grants to students who are experiencing hardships that could jeopardize their ability to complete their education.

Started six years ago, the emergency grant fund (previously known as thefaculty and staff student support grant) has given away tens of thousands of dollars to students in need. Students can apply to receive between $250 and $1,000 in aid that does not have to be paid back.

Within just a few hours of the campaign's launch to alumni, parents, and friends, our community of supporters donated nearly $5,000. I wish to thank those who have contributed thus far. I now invite you to join me in donating by going to clicking on the emergency grant fund button. No amount is too small, and every gift is appreciated.

I am always humbled by the resolve of the Toro Nation. You have proven repeatedly that we are one united front against this viral menace. As today has been set aside to celebrate Cesar Chavez Day, your generous spirit has reminded me of a quote from the noted activist leader: In giving of yourself, you will discover a whole new life full of meaning and love.

Thank you, again, for your steadfast support.

Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D.

Read the PDF version of the March 31 Memorandum [PDF].

March 30, 2020: COVID-19 Update - Limiting Access to Our Physical Campus

To: Campus Community
From: Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D., President

Dear Campus Community,

Throughout the COVID-19 health crisis, the safety and well-being of the Toro community has been our main priority. We must continue to protect each other by supporting local, state, and national efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19, as we have done thus far with all the adjustments made to sustain some campus operations and provide essential services. However, even those are now changing.

Consequently, in consultation with the Chancellor's Office and based on current public health data, we are now taking added measures to reduce the number of people coming to campus.

Until further notice, the Toro Computer Lab, Toro Food Pantry, and services within the Loker Student Union are closed. In addition, campus facilities that are not in use or essential will be locked and remain so. However, please understand that although we are limiting access to our physical campus, the university remains operational, with instruction continuing in a virtual environment, and student services and ongoing business conducted via alternative means, where possible.

We fully understand the services provided by the lab, pantry, and union are vital to our campus community, and we are actively looking at different delivery methods to ensure that those most in need of food and technology are not further disadvantaged during this health crisis.

One way we can support students who have been using the computer lab is through our Technology Loaner Program, which offers computer and mobile hotspot devices for checkout. We are currently developing a method for distributing hardware while maintaining appropriate distancing recommendations, and will have a system in place shortly. Interested students should for more information.

For food pantry clients, our Basic Needs program is working hard to explore alternatives. In the meantime, numerous community resources are available

The decision to close these student services was not made lightly. Their importance to our students is the very reason that they have remained open on campus for so long after many other services have been moved off campus, and/or closed. However, in light of the continuing seriousness of the COVID-19 outbreak, we have been advised to make this difficult decision.

We will continue to provide updates on this situation as it develops, and will provide additional resources for affected students as soon as they become available.



With federal stay-at-home guidelines extended until April 30, the university will move forward with the following plans for summer:

  • CSUDH's summer sessions will be offered using alternative instruction modes of delivery.
  • Our Academic Affairs and Student Affairs teams will work on a transition strategy to support our fall 2020 incoming class.

Thank you for your continued patience and understanding, and let us continue to do all we can to keep ourselves and our community safe and healthy!


Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D.

Read the PDF version of the March 30 Memorandum [PDF].

March 26, 2020: Speaking Out Against Xenophobia and Racism

To: Campus Community
From: Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D., President

Dear Campus Community,

Happy Thursday. I hope this message finds you well and complying with public health and government advisories.

This evening, I wanted to take a moment to speak out against a troubling trend that has occurred throughout the COVID-19 crisis. The increased incidents of xenophobia and anti-Asian racism, harassment, and bullying these past months have been disturbing to hear. In addition, stories of racist-minded people and their content penetrating our academic spaces are equally unacceptable.

While I am not aware of any anti-Asian sentiments on our campus, I am reminded of the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He argued that, "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." Consequently, when any act occurs that seeks to rob anyone of their dignity and humanity, it is incumbent on all of us to speak out. Thus, I am calling on all Toro to challenge whatever biases and assumptions we may have, and act to support and affirm each other in all forms of equality. Above all, our Toro Nation must stand together for inclusion and diversity in all its forms, through good times and bad.

Now is not the time for scapegoating or pointing fingers, searching for attributions about how and why this crisis has occurred. Rather, it is the time to unite and pull together even more strongly. Just as we must exercise caution against this deadly virus, so too must we fight the urge to find someone to "blame."

We must, and will, remain vigilant to ensure that all members of our campus community, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, social class, ability status, or country of origin, feel welcome, safe, and respected.

Each day of this crisis seems to deliver a new shock to the system. We are living through historically stressful times, but we must all be on guard against letting our anxiety give way to more negative emotions. We can make it through this, but only if we come together as one. There is simply no place for anti-Asian bigotry and xenophobia in this equation.

If you have experienced or witnessed any episodes of discrimination at this university, please contact Title IX office or University Police Department at (310) 243-3333. In addition, counselors in Student Health & Psychological Services are available to provide confidential support and care. Call (310) 243-3818.



As a reminder, Spring Break is still scheduled March 29-April 4. Class instruction should not take place. Please take this time to take care of yourselves and your families, and heed all public health cautions issued.

Our Information Technology team will use this week to perform usual technology assessments and make necessary upgrades, and certain systems will be offline.


Students, faculty, and staff wishing to check out technology devices should submit those requests through the Technology Loaner Program website.

Be well,

Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D.

March 25, 2020: COVID-19 Update

To: Campus Community
From: Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D., President

Dear Campus Community,

On January 30, when our Student Health & Psychological Services director and chief of medical services sent the first message to campus cautioning about the coronavirus (COVID-19), who would have imagined that we would be where we are today? The university and society have made drastic changes in such a short time.

The resumption of classes this week has given our campus community a needed return to some normalcy, albeit virtually. However, we cannot forget what brought us here. The latest news among medical experts and public health officials that the virus may remain more airborne and that it can live on surfaces longer than expected is a stark reminder that we must remain vigilant.

In my life as a psychologist and clinician, the biggest challenge in treating patients has rarely been with what to prescribe as a therapeutic intervention, but rather in patient compliance with the treatment recommendation. As such, I want to encourage you, in the strongest possible language, to comply with the public health recommendations that have been reiterated constantly over these past two months:

  • Stay home if you have respiratory or influenzas-like symptoms: fever, cough, and shortness of breath.
    • Call your doctor or Student Health Center (310-243-3629) for medical guidance before visiting either facility.
  • Limit close contact with individuals who are sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Wash your hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
  • If you are unable to wash your hands, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.Use your sleeve if a tissue is not available; avoid using your hands.
  • Avoid touching surfaces.Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.

On a separate note, I know that despite the adaptation that students have made, a great sense of longing for connectedness exists. I feel this based on the letters we have received and social media posts we have read thanking the university for the work we have done, and complimenting the faculty on the educational experiences that they have missed in the face-to-face classroom.

While we must practice physical distancing, let us do what we can to stay socially connected. In doing so, know that we miss you all too, but appreciate the sentiments you express about our beloved Toro community.

As a reminder, we are open for business and all segments of the university are thinking about innovative ways to manage our affairs through alternate modes of instruction and service delivery. I will keep you posted as more updates become available, or as we make further adjustments to the adaption that has already occurred.

Be well.


Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D.

Read the PDF version of the March 25 Memorandum [PDF].

March 24, 2020: COVID-19 Update

To: Campus Community
From: Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D., President

Dear Campus Community,

As we end day two of alternative forms of instruction and service delivery, I am thankful for and optimistic about the planning our faculty and staff have done during last week's pause. Their efforts and initiative have put us in a good position to finish the spring semester strong. Please know that we will continue to assess our progress and address those issues that are proving less successful and that are within our immediate control to remediate.

As an example of how Toros are rising to this new reality, I would highlight the following:
  • Our affinity centers and student support programs are continuing to provide services in a virtual space. I hear reports of group Zoom meetings and panels, Netflix watch parties, and other creative ways of engaging and supporting students, all while they support academic progress.
  • We also continue to deliver a few key services on campus, such as the Toro Computer Lab and our health center. We will continue to adjust these services to meet changing demands as they arise.
    • On a special note, tomorrow (Wednesday, March 25) is the first day that our food pantry will be distributing bags of food to students in need. I applaud the effort being made to continue to provide this essential service to our students.


I encourage everyone to visit the page often, as information continues to be added daily regarding service hours, technology resources, and responses to frequently asked questions.

Undoubtedly, the state budget and that of this campus will be impacted by the COVID-19 health crisis. Consequently, we need to engage in planning and consider strategies that will better positioned this university to manage budget shortfalls and reductions should they occur. Thus, in response to a memo issued today by the Chancellor's Office advising of a system wide "hiring chill" prudence demands that we, as a campus, must exercise extreme caution in moving forward on any searches that have not been finalized. I know this news may be a surprise to many of you, but we must prepare, out of a sense of urgency and self-reliance, for a full range of possibilities regarding our fiscal health and strength. Expect to receive more guidance from your divisional vice president or academic dean in the days and weeks ahead.

Hang in there; together, we will get through this.


Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D.

Read the PDF version of the March 24 Memorandum [PDF].

March 23, 2020: Stay Strong Toros

A special video message from President Parham for spring 2020:

March 20, 2020: COVID-19 Update

To: Campus Community
From: Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D., President

Dear Campus Community,

The events surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak continue to evolve and try us in so many ways. We can only hope that the stay at home orders issued by LA County and the state last night will help slow the spread of the virus.

While the statewide order directs residents to remain at home, it does include exceptions that allow residents to leave for essential reasons, such as food, health, and financial, and to perform work that supports federal critical infrastructure sectors. The sector list for government facilities includes colleges and universities. The LA County order [PDF] further outlines provisions for educational institutions delivering distance learning.

What does this mean for CSUDH?

Given the exempted sector status, and the measures already in place that align with the spirit of the orders, CSUDH will be able to continue offering the services that are essential to our academic mission. As such, we can move forward as planned: Alternative instruction begin Monday, March 23. Staff will continue to work remotely wherever possible.

The university will remain open to provide essential on-campus operations, including security and facilities maintenance. University Housing residents who need to stay will remain on campus. Core student services will also maintain physical hours under revised schedules:

  • Student Health & Psychological Services will be open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • The Toro Computer Lab on the ground floor of the library (G-149) will be open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • Loker Student Union will be open Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • The Toro Food Pantry will be located in the LSU mediation room and open during LSU's operating hours.

Those using or staffing these services are advised to continue taking all recommended precautions regarding social distancing.

As Gov. Newsom made clear in his address last night, the unparalleled nature of this pandemic has forced us all to make some unprecedented choices. Throughout this process, the unity and resolve of the Toro Nation have come to the fore, as we join together--even while in solitude--to alleviate this public health menace. Thank you for your continued patience and flexibility throughout what has been a trying process for everyone.

Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D. President

Read the PDF version of the March 20 Memorandum [PDF].

March 19, 2020: COVID-19 Update - Safer at Home

To: Campus Community
From: Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D., President

Dear Campus Community,

I once again extend my best wishes to everyone out there dealing with the life-altering events surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. Circumstances surrounding this health crisis continue to change, seemingly by the hour. In order to keep you as up to date as possible, I felt it necessary to reach out this evening with updates and reminders for the campus, and news on the latest developments locally and statewide:

  • Alternative instruction will begin Monday, March 23, as planned.
  • Students who purchased a spring 2020 parking pass will receive a prorated refund. An email regarding this will be sent out soon. University support services have begun moving into alternative and virtual delivery. This will continue to be expanded over the coming weeks.
    • Services such as advising, tutoring, mental health counseling, affinity/cultural centers, student life, career center, and many others are ready to serve. Check their websites, social media pages, and your Toromail for more details.
  • Tonight, Gov. Gavin Newsom issued a statewide stay at home order, minutes after Los Angeles County issued a similar directive. This news further suppresses our on-campus operations to critical personnel. As we learn more about what this means for our campus, we will provide that information.

With such rapid changes, it is easy to be overwhelmed by feelings of uncertainty and anxiety. However, I am confident that together we can come through this experience stronger and more unified than ever. The psychologist in me wishes to stress that some of the best strategies to manage those anxious feelings include: Take these advisories seriously while you plan and prepare; stay informed with the latest information; balance the more anxiety-provoking news bytes with those that frame more positive stories of preparation and recovery. Furthermore, I continue to urge everyone to practice good hygiene and public health habits; minimize exposure and maximize social distancing, even in your own home or place of residence.

This continues to be a dynamic situation. Please stay tuned for other updates. As a reminder, please visit the CSUDH Alert page. The page is being updated every day with the latest information we have been given in consultation with a full-range of people who care deeply about your health and safety.


Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D.

Read the PDF version of the March 19 Memorandum [PDF].

March 17, 2020: Accelerating Virtual Instruction and Assuring Social Distancing For Students and Employees

To: Campus Community
From: Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D., President

With the pace at which facts and data are coming at us regarding the COVID-19 health crisis — and at which we are having to adapt advisories to these conditions — I recognize the overwhelming sense of uncertainty and confusion that everyone must be feeling. I write to bring clarity to our current situation and the decisions this university has made — and inform you of new developments.

Throughout this crisis, three main principles have guided our thoughts and actions:

  1. We will always act to protect and ensure the health and safety of our students, staff, and faculty. This is our highest priority.
  2. We will remain committed to our academic mission and intervene in ways that provide the least disruption to those endeavors.
  3. We will implement strategies that help us stay ahead of the crisis and comply with local, statewide, and federal mandates and public health advisories.

The March 16 decision to pause instruction through the remainder of this week was made in great consideration to the toll this crisis will have on our way of life and the resulting drastic shift and adjustments we will make to the operations of this university, including moving to a more virtual reality where a larger percentage of our employees will be telecommuting. These additional days are giving us a little more time to help manage our personal lives during this crisis without added pressures, while we also ready the campus to resume the spring semester with as little further disruption as possible.

Admittedly, I am gratified that the Academic Senate, the California Faculty Association, and other union representatives have joined me in prioritizing the needs of our entire Toro family: students, staff, and faculty. I also appreciate them embracing the strategies we have employed thus far. I invite everyone to join me in rallying around that central belief that we will bear with the disruption and inconvenience as we act to manage the dynamics of this health crisis going forward.

As a reminder of the announcement I sent March 16, the campus is not closed. We continue to provide essential services and support, albeit in a remote and/or limited capacity.


In consultation with the Chancellor's Office, and on advice from medical experts and health officials, we are planning for and executing the following actions:

Spring Semester

  • Alternative instruction will begin Monday, March 23, and continue through the remainder of the 2020 spring semester.
  • We will cease face-to-face instructional activities and co-curricular support.
    • All instruction, exams, instructional labs, studios, small group seminars, advising, co-curricular support services, and the like, must be offered using alternative modes of delivery.

Remote Work

  • The university will shift operations to a more remote work environment to reduce the number of people on campus, thereby minimizing exposure and maximizing social distance.
    • Through the remainder of the semester, employees will work remotely, unless their position requires them to be on campus. NOTE: This is a change from the March 16 message stating staff would telecommute March 17 through March 20.
    • Human Resources will provide employees with emergency telecommuting guidelines. Please stay tuned as those are developed and rolled out.
    • After consultations with their supervisor and vice president, employees who cannot perform their work remotely, will be placed on administrative leave with pay until further notice.
    • Employees 65 years old or older, and/or with underlying conditions that put them at greater risk for COVID-19 are directed to stay away from campus. These arrangements are subject to be modified as further guidance and circumstances change.

Campus Operations

  • The campus is not closed, although some services may not be available. As we assess our capacity to render services, the university will sustain essential facility, security, information technology, vivaria, farm, greenhouse, and research operations, and the like, as well as financial and business operations. Campus facilities that remain open will be modified using social distancing techniques and reduced hours.
  • Facilities and maintenance operations will continue to clean and disinfect the campus using sanitation protocols prescribed by the CDC.
  • Unused classrooms, offices, and buildings will be locked and remain closed in order to maximize our ability to deploy cleaning resources to other areas.

University Library

  • The library building will be closed for reasons of health and safety and the university's ability to maintain continued sanitation measures. The library computer lab on the first floor – LIBG-149 – will be open with restricted hours to provide essential computer and WIFI access to those who do not have technology to manage their academic or co-curricular endeavor. Hours will posted on the University Library website.
  • Librarians and library staff are available via chat, email, and text to support and assist students with their resource needs. Assistance and resources available online.

University Housing

  • While a significant number of residents in University Housing have already relocated during this crisis, we strongly encourage the remaining residents to return to their permanent homes to complete their virtual coursework for the remainder of the spring semester. For those who returning home would compromise their ability to decrease exposure and minimize social distancing, please consult with housing personnel.
  • Residents with limited or no options to leave campus will be permitted to continue living in University Housing, and we welcome them to continue residing there.
  • Dining options will be limited and available to those remaining University Housing residents and those deemed to be essential personal. All food will be provided using safe social distancing and hygienic measures. Residents should consult with housing personnel regarding dining options.
  • University Housing will email residents with checkout instructions and additional details within the next 24 to 48 hours.

Information Technology

Loker Student Union

  • Much of the student union will closed other than limited, essential services and on a modified schedule. All updates can be found on the LSU website.

Student Health & Psychological Services

  • Services are expected to be available starting Monday March 23, albeit with reduced hours of operation, limited clinical capabilities, and substantially reduced staff.
  • Except in an emergency, students must call the health center before coming to campus to access such services and must adhere to strict social distancing measures. Phones will be answered as of March 23rd.
  • We are trying hard to make virtual counseling services available within the week. More information will be on the Student Health and Psychological Services website as soon as arrangements can be made.
  • If students feel very ill (i.e. high fevers, shortness of breath) they should go to the nearest hospital or urgent care. Please know that these kinds of severe illnesses can only be managed by facilities that can deliver the highest level of care, and that only such facilities can currently and reliably perform COVID-19 testing.
  • People with less severe symptoms should treat themselves at home, with over-the-counter medicines. People who are not sure if they should see a doctor, should call their own physicians; students may call the Student Health Center, on or after March 23, at 310-243-3629.
  • Additionally, students should be aware of the following low-cost/no-cost medical facilities near campus where they can seek medical care when the Student Health Center is not available to meet their needs: 1) Harbor-UCLA Medical Emergency Room & Urgent Care: 1000 W. Carson St, Carson, 90502 2) South Bay Family Health Care Center, 742 W. Gardena Blvd, Gardena, CA, 90247 Call 310-802-6177 for an appointment.

Athletic and Recreational Facilities

  • The university's athletic and recreational facilities are closed until further notice.


  • Commencement ceremonies and end-of-year celebrations scheduled in the last part of April and through May will be postponed until further notice.

These interventions and strategies, while well-reasoned and intentioned, represent a complex interplay of factors that collide amid this health crisis. Consequently, they are subject to change and revision as circumstances, government policies, and health advisories warrant going forward.


Our social norms and academic sensibilities are being challenged in unprecedented ways. I am confident that we at CSU Dominguez Hills can and will rise to the occasion and exhibit the qualities and character that best reflects the institutional pride we all feel every day.

Finally, I thank the Toro Nation for your patience, understanding, and sensitivity to the public health crisis we now face.


Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D.

Read the PDF version of the March 17 Memorandum [PDF].

March 16, 2020: COVID-19 Update

To: Campus Community
From: Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D., President

Dear Campus Community,

As the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak continues to unfold rapidly, the university must adapt in our response to these changing conditions, with health and safety as our number one priority. I am acutely aware that collective anxiety about this health crisis grows daily, impacting our ability to carry out our academic mission. We must give ourselves time to evaluate the best way for the campus to move forward. With this in mind, I have made the following decisions regarding university operations and academic instruction.

Remote Work

We are making provisions to accommodate reduction of staff and students on campus while we consider alternate modes of instruction and service delivery. Beginning Tuesday, March 17, through Friday, March 20, all staff will work remotely. Some positions will require individuals to be on campus to maintain critical operations and campus safety. Staff members should work with their supervisors on determining the need for them to be on premise. Staff who cannot perform their work remotely, after consultations with their supervisor and vice president, will be placed on administrative leave with pay.

During this time, my administration will be finalizing a university-wide emergency telecommuting policy in response to the COVID-19 crisis.

Campus is not closing, although some services will not be available. We will continue to assess the ability of campus units to provide services, and if any are deemed unable to continue, provisions will be made.

University Student Housing is fully staffed and will remain open for those student residents who do not wish to return home. We will work with residents who stay on campus to ensure their basic needs are met.

Instruction Suspended

Effective today through Sunday, March 22, all instruction will be suspended, including all existing online classes. Alternative instruction previously planned to commence Wednesday, March 18, will now be postponed also through March 22. Faculty should continue the work they've begun to transition to alternative instruction. On Friday, March 20, we will announce further updates regarding this decision.


We understand this is not an ideal situation. We have reached a point where I believe this crisis will greatly impact the ability of the university to provide quality education to our standards of excellence.

Even though this unprecedented event requires that we scale back operations, we remain committed to supporting our students and their academic aspirations. We will continue the work on creating solutions that best deliver essential student services in alternative forms. In the meantime, we thank you for your continued understanding and patience as we navigate this uncharted terrain.

Thank you,

Thomas A. Parham, Ph. D.

Read the PDF version of the March 16 Memorandum [PDF].

March 14, 2020: Notification for CSUDH campus employees and students

To: Campus Community
From: Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D., President

Dear Campus Community,

In light of this afternoon's proclamation by Governor Newsom: Those that are 65 and older or vulnerable to COVID-19 must practice home isolation. CSU Chancellor Timothy White directed all presidents, and I am therefore directing you, to comply with the following advisory.

Effective immediately, all CSUDH employees so categorized must stay off campus and away from the Chancellor's Office. For those employees who will not have had the benefit of reading this notification prior to arriving to work tomorrow morning, you will be directed to leave campus immediately and go home.

We are arranging with your managers so that any individuals impacted can telecommute, allowing them to remain productive and continue advancing the operations and mission of CSUDH. For others, where those arrangements are not possible, you will placed on administrative leave with pay at your current rate and for your normal scheduled work hours.

All others employees are expected to report to work, as operations at the university remain open.

As further clarity emerges from the governor's and Chancellor's Office, and public health official, and as the circumstances surrounding COVID-19 continue to change, we reserve the right to adjust this directive.

The CSUDH Senior Management Policy Group has been meeting throughout this crisis, including this weekend, and will continue to meet to crystalize policies and practices going forward around this ever-changing health crisis.

We will be back in touch with more updates as they emerge. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through these dynamics together.

Read the PDF version of the March 14 Notification to Employees and Students [PDF].

March 14, 2020: COVID-19 Update

To: University Community
From: Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D., President

Dear CSUDH Community,

While we continue to manage the ramifications of the COVID-19 outbreak, I thank all of you for your enduring professionalism, understanding, patience, and flexibility throughout what has been a stressful time for all of us.

As announced on Wednesday, CSUDH has taken and will continue to take measures recommended by medical experts and public health officials to maximize social distancing. Please know that in all of the decisions we have made and will make, our top priority is the health and well-being of the entire campus community. As we strive to sustain our educational mission in these trying times, your contributions have been essential, and your continued commitment to this university is appreciated.

I know that many of you have concerns and questions due to local school closures, which will cause child-care issues. Others may be concerned about their own health or caring for family members in the high-risk group for COVID-19. Related concerns also include telecommuting options, the status of student and casual workers, campus closure, and continued use of the library and common spaces.

Rest assured that we hear you, and we are moving with all deliberate speed to consult, craft responses, and seek policy guidance on the issues that are important to you.

You may have noticed communications from other CSU campuses that have been authorized to engage in a flexible work arrangement. Please understand that each campus will exercise some flexibility as determined by the unique circumstances that are confronting their universities and their region (e.g., number of cases of suspected COVID-19 exposure, confirmation of cases). At CSUDH, our decisions have been and will continue to be made based on similar criteria.

Please continue to raise any concerns you may have to your supervisors, and together with Human Resources, they will work to address them.

I pledge to you that we will take all measures possible to accommodate the myriad of issues and circumstances that collide with the current health emergency we are confronting. While we will do our best to make reasonable accommodations, I am reminded that we must sustain university operations and be cognizant of the fact that equal treatment may not necessarily constitute the same treatment.

As always, I invite you to remember that this continues to be a dynamic, ever-changing situation, and a flexible mindset is crucial going forward. I will continue to provide updates as the situation evolves.

In challenging times, it is essential that we all work together. While the next few weeks will undoubtedly be busy and stressful, the strength and unity of our Toro Nation will continue to stand out in the face of adversity.

I deeply appreciate your patience and cooperation.

Thank you,

Thomas A. Parham, Ph. D.

Read the PDF version of the March 14 Memorandum [PDF].

March 12, 2020: COVID-19 Update

To: CSUDH Students, Faculty, and Staff
From: Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D., President

Campus Community,

This has been a stressful and often confusing week here on campus, and I thank you all for your cooperation and understanding as we navigate this current health crisis. Our top priority is the safety and well-being of our campus community, and the decisions we are making are focused on facilitating that outcome.

I am acutely aware that you have questions about the details and implications of our decisions. We have created the following email address,, where individuals can send their questions. Rest assured that we will address them in as timely a fashion as we can, knowing that some may merit a different tier of consideration based on our overarching priority.

I want to stress that CSUDH remains open. The entire university contributes to our educational mission, and it is essential that vital services continue to be provided to our students.

While CSUDH has no cases of COVID-19 at this time, the measures we are taking to transition to alternative instruction are designed to reduce the number of people on campus and should help to limit community exposure.

Athletic Competition Suspended

To that end, in our attempt to maximize social distancing, I am directing that all athletic competition be suspended for the remainder of the spring season, including games, practices, and recruiting visits. In addition, athletic teams or club sports currently traveling will be brought home without delay.

Thank you again for your attention, patience, and understanding during this very difficult and fluid situation. Trying times such as these require the community to unite, work together, and support one another in every way possible. I am sure that our Toro Nation will rise to the challenge.

For updated information, please continue to monitor

Thomas A. Parham, Ph. D.

Read the PDF version of the March 12 Memorandum [PDF].

March 11, 2020: COVID-19 Update

To: CSUDH Students, Faculty, and Staff
From: Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D., President

Campus Community,

Like all of you, I have been intently following reports of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). COVID-19 is an exceptional event with a global impact, and our primary concern is to protect the health and safety of our students, faculty, staff, and campus visitors. We consider the campus community's well-being to be of the highest level of importance, and we will continue to do our best to protect our beloved California State University, Dominguez Hills community.

The CSUDH leadership team, in consultation with medical professionals and public health experts, has been meeting daily to monitor and plan for COVID-19 and the safety of the campus community. This extensive work is a dynamic engagement of a situation that is changing rapidly, according to Los Angeles County Department of Public Health and the California Department of Public Health.

Currently, no cases of COVID-19 have been reported among our community; however, in the best interest of all concerned, we must do our due diligence and take the necessary precautions to limit exposure. I write today to update you on significant near-term changes that will maximize social distancing and minimize exposure among members of our campus community.

Accordingly, I have decided to take the following measures:


CSUDH is temporarily suspending the in-person, on-campus convening of classes. To allow our faculty to make final preparations for alternative delivery of instruction, face-to-face classes are cancelled beginning tomorrow, Thursday, March 12, through Tuesday, March 17, although the campus will remain open. Current online courses will continue as normal.

Alternative instruction will begin Wednesday, March 18 through Sunday, April 12. For many classes, that would include online modalities of instruction. Some classes that require more hands-on activity may continue to meet in person in a limited capacity based on preferences of the faculty in consultation with campus officials.

The decision to move to alternative instruction was not made lightly. The goal of these changes is to minimize the need to gather in large groups or spend prolonged time in close proximity in spaces such as classrooms, dining halls, and residential buildings.

Students: Please look for communications from instructors about plans for individual courses. Reach out to your instructors if you have questions.

We expect face-to-face classes to resume Monday, April 13, pending consultation and advice from medical experts and public health officials.


Again, the university is not closing. Campus offices and buildings will remain open and many operations will continue normally, including student housing and related dining facilities. Students who need computers or Wi-Fi can continue to use the library and computer lab spaces on campus.

Staff should continue to report to work on site. However, if individuals have underlying health concerns that they believe put them in a high-risk group, please notify supervisors so that appropriate accommodations may be considered in consultation with the division vice president.

The university will continue to employ good public health measures that protect our campus.


To maximize social distancing and out of an abundance of caution, all events on campus, including third-party bookings, scheduled through April 12 will be cancelled and/or rescheduled where possible. Planning should continue for events already scheduled after April 12; however cancellation and/or postponement may be necessary based on the health assessment moving forward.

No new events should be planned until further notice.


Effective immediately, all international and non-essential domestic travel is suspended through May 31. The determination of essential domestic travel will be made by the president in consultation with senior executives. Please refer to the Chancellor's Office memo concerning travel [PDF].


Thank you for the continued steps you are taking to protect your health and the health of the campus community. I ask all Toros to be supportive of their classmates and colleagues as we navigate this difficult time together. You can find the latest information about COVID-19 campus planning, preparedness and prevention on the webpage.

We recognize and empathize with the fact that these actions may pose challenges; however, they are necessary to avoid putting the campus community at risk.


Thomas A. Parham, Ph. D.

Read the PDF version of the March 11 Memorandum [PDF].

March 6, 2020: Campus Update on Coronavirus

To: Campus Community
From: Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D., President

Campus Community,

Understanding that recent news regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) may cause concern and uncertainty, we want to assure the Toro community that the safety and well-being of everyone who studies, works, or visits our campus is a top priority, and that we take this potential health risk very seriously.

Current Risk Level at CSUDH

The university has had no reported or suspected cases of COVID-19. According to LA County Public Health, the immediate risk of exposure to the general public in the county remains low despite local state of emergency declarations.

NOTE: According to the CDC, most people who contract COVID-19 will experience mild to moderate illness and then recover. Those most at risk for developing a more serious illness include the elderly, and people with other underlying health conditions, such as heart disease, lung disease, and diabetes.

What CSUDH is Doing

Staff in our Student Health Center and Risk Management office routinely monitor official health updates about the virus and are in contact with individuals at LA County Public Health. In addition, we have convened a special planning team to review and ready the campus. Everything is on the table, from custodial protocols that we can implement now to instruction via virtual classrooms, should the need arise. We also are working closely with the Chancellor's Office, which is coordinating systemwide preparations. At this time, we see no need to modify campus operations; all classes and events will continue as planned. We will follow guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and local health officials in making any decisions.

Travel Advisory

The Chancellor's Office is directing all faculty, staff, and students to temporarily avoid all non-essential university-related travel to countries that are designated with a CDC Warning-Level 3 Travel Notice. In addition to banned travel to China, this now includes South Korea, Italy, and Iran. The CSU also recommends that students and university employees on state business avoid non-essential travel to countries in Asia and Europe where the CDC has identified that sustained transmission of COVID-19 has transpired, or where the virus has spread.

CSUDH is complying with this directive and has called back all students in university-sanctioned study abroad programs in these areas. Steps to Staying Healthy As a reminder, practicing good personal hygiene is the best defense against COVID-19 and other flu-like illnesses.

Please follow these preventive steps recommended by the CDC:

  • Stay home if you have respiratory or influenzas-like symptoms: fever, cough, shortness of breath - and call your doctor or Student Health Center (310-243-3629) for medical guidance before visiting either facility.
  • Limit close contact with individuals who are sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Wash your hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
  • If you are unable to wash your hands, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
    • Use your sleeve if a tissue is not available; avoid using your hands.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.

Be Considerate of Others

You may see people on campus wearing face masks. Although the CDC does not recommend the use of face masks for people who are well, please remember that it is a social norm in many countries to wear a face mask during cold and flu season. Do not assume that a person wearing a face mask is infectious, or that they should be avoided.

Treating all members of our community with respect and consideration is as important now as at any other time.

Update Emergency Contact Info

Now is the perfect time to review and update contact information on ToroAlert, the university's emergency notification system. In the event of a campus emergency, ToroAlert will send notifications to the devices provided. Login to your my.CSUDH portal and click "Toro Alert (Update Contact)" under the &"My Personal Info" tab.

Campus Updates and Resources

If circumstances change that affects the normal operation of the university, we will alert the campus community. For your convenience, we have established a web page,, as a quick reference to the latest, accurate information. Lastly, we recognize that this is a stressful situation for many members of our community.

Please know that there are campus resources available to support you:

Student Health & Psychological Services

Employee Assistance Program [PDF]

Dean of Student Affairs

Read the PDF version of the March 6 Memorandum [PDF].

January 30, 2020: Enhancing Personal Awareness Regarding the Coronavirus

To: CSUDH Students, Faculty, and Staff
From: VP of Student Affairs

Dear CSUDH Students, Faculty, and Staff,

While national and local media have been calling attention to the Wuhan coronavirus, we want to reassure the Toro community that there is no threat to the campus at this time. This is a campus informational communication only; there are NO cases of Wuhan Coronavirus on campus.

There have been two confirmed cases of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) reported in California since Jan. 26, 2020. In the interest of ensuring the health and safety of our campus by disseminating current and accurate information, we encourage you to read this message in its entirety.

CSUDH's Student Health Services team and campus Risk Management are actively monitoring the novel coronavirus outbreak. The team is following the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as well as the L.A. County and State of California Public Health Departments.

What is the coronavirus?

Coronavirus is a type of virus that causes diseases ranging from the common cold to more serious respiratory disease. The novel, or new, coronavirus was first identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, and has since resulted in a growing number of confirmed cases around the world. The CDC reports that patients with novel coronavirus have mild to severe respiratory illness with symptoms of fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Severe illness is more common in people with underlying health conditions or weakened immune systems and older adults.

What Should I Do?

Actively engaging in healthy habits can help protect against influenza-like illness and respiratory infections. Certain active measures include:

- Washing your hands often with soap and water

- Staying away from sick individuals

- Ensuring that coughs and nasal secretions are directed into disposable tissues which are promptly thrown out

There is no specific treatment for this infection, and supportive measures, as well as over-the-counter remedies for cold and flu, are recommended.

Students on campus may seek medical attention from Student Health Services. If you are feeling unwell and have traveled to Wuhan, China during the month of January, please use a face mask and notify a member of the Student Health Services team by calling (310) 243-3629 before visiting the Student Health Center. Faculty and staff are encouraged to contact their primary care providers for support.

If you have symptoms of influenza-like illness or other respiratory infections, please stay at home and do not come to campus for school or work. If your symptoms are (or are becoming) severe, contact your healthcare provider to seek medical attention as soon as you are able.

More Information

Accurate and up-to-date information about the coronavirus, as well as additional information about the details of the symptoms and methods to prevent spread of this infection, is available on the CDC's website, the LA County Dept. of Public Health website and the CA Dept. of Public Health website. If there is a change in circumstances that affects the CSUDH campus, we will immediately provide further advisories. For the time being, this is simply a proactive advisory.

Janie MacHarg, Ph.D.
Director, Student Health & Psychological Services

Irina Gaal, M.D.
Chief of Medical Services